Can I teach English as a foreign language in Africa?

From Mediterranean beach resorts in the north to the Cape of Good Hope in the south, the extraordinary continent of Africa has plenty of great opportunities for ESL teachers who are willing to seek them out. However, teaching positions in this part of the world are not as numerous or as widespread as in many other regions, so you might need to be flexible regarding your expectations and patience will almost certainly be required.

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Where can I get a paid job teaching English in Africa?

Should I consider volunteering as an English teacher in Africa?

Where can I get a paid job teaching English in Africa?

The largest numbers of ESL teaching positions in Africa that pay a reasonable salary are generally found in North African countries such as Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia. In these countries you will find a strong demand for teachers in a range of schools, although the bulk of demand is from private language academies. Private tutoring is also a good option in the larger towns and cities in the region. Elsewhere across Africa paid opportunities for teachers can be harder to find. If you have contacts in certain areas and are able to do plenty of networking and research, you may well find good options in language schools, universities, and international schools in countries all over the continent. One country where there are always teaching jobs available is South Africa, however, employers generally only look to hire teachers from within the country so options for other nationalities can be limited.

Should I consider volunteering as an English teacher in Africa?

Another option for teaching in Africa is to offer your services on a volunteer basis. Obviously this option will not appeal to everyone, but if you are looking for a truly rewarding experience and the chance to explore parts of the world that most teachers can only dream of then this could be a great opportunity. A quick internet search for volunteer teaching in Africa will reveal a range of options in many different countries. Depending on your preference you can find programs that run anywhere from two weeks to two years. The experience gained from volunteer teaching will certainly aid your development as a teacher and look good on your CV/resume when looking for your next job.