Can you make a living teaching English online?

The amount of money you can make teaching English online is determined by a number of factors, including your qualifications, previous experience, and the organization for which you work. A typical hourly rate for online English teachers can range between $15 and $30. If you choose to work through an agency, as most online teachers do, they will most likely take a cut of your pay as a fee for providing you with students and materials.

Table of Contents

Can you teach English online full-time?

Can you make good money teaching English online?

How much can I earn working for an online ESL company?

How much can I earn teaching on an open marketplace?

How do I start my own online ESL business?

Can you teach English online full-time?

Online English teaching is what you make it. Most online English companies allow you to work as much or as little as you want, so your online English teaching gig can range from part-time side hustle to a full-time career.

Online English teacher salaries vary depending on a number of factors, including:

  • The company you work with.
  • The number of hours you work.
  • Your qualifications and experience.
  • Your base pay and bonuses.
Some online English teaching companies pay a flat hourly rate, whereas others allow you to set your own rate.

Can you make good money teaching English online?

Online English teachers typically earn between $10 and $40 US per hour, depending on their level of qualification. If you are a first-time English teacher with a TEFL certification, you will most likely start at $10-$20 per hour.

You can earn money teaching English online in three ways: by working for an online ESL company, by offering your services on an open marketplace, or by starting your own online ESL business and working for yourself.

How much can I earn working for an online ESL company?

Teaching with an online ESL company, arguably the easiest of the three options, is ideal for those who want to avoid the majority of the legwork. Companies structured in this manner frequently provide lesson plans and teaching materials on which to base your classes. They also have a large, global network of students looking for online ESL teachers to take lessons with, making it easier for you to find students.

Companies of this type, however, do not allow you to set your own hourly rate. When you interview with them for a teaching position, you are given an hourly rate based on your experience and qualifications. These rates can range from $8 to $20 US per hour, but they frequently include an incentive-based program. Incentives could include bonuses such as an extra $1 per class if you teach more than 45 classes per month.

How much can I earn teaching on an open marketplace?

Open marketplaces are a type of platform that connect English learners with ESL teachers who have a profile on the marketplace. Your teacher profile should emphasize your credentials, experience, and any additional training or certifications you have obtained.

You should also make an eye-catching introduction video to introduce yourself to prospective students (and their parents). This video will highlight your accent, abilities, and why you believe you are an excellent ESL teacher. Use this video to sell yourself and your abilities in order to attract your first students, gain solid, positive feedback, and begin to build your client base.

In contrast to structured ESL companies, an open marketplace allows you to set your own rate of pay per class. Before raising your rate, it is common to start with a lower rate to attract new students and build your reputation with positive feedback and reviews. If your students value your lessons and enjoy working with you, a small increase in your rates should not be a problem. It is critical to remember not to set your pay rate too high from the start. A high rate without any reviews to back it up will make it difficult to attract students; you will be far more successful in easing into it gradually.

How do I start my own online ESL business?

Starting your own online teaching business is the most difficult of the three options, but it's ideal if you are a real go-getter with the motivation and drive to see it through.

Not only will you need to hustle to find your own students, but you will also be running the show from the ground up. This includes tasks like creating your own website, deciding which platform you want to use for your classes, deciding what age group/demographic you want to teach, and creating your own lesson plans.