TEFL Reviews

TESOL Certification Arak Iran
MATERIALS: Authentic materials are the ones that are made in real life situations while non-authentic materials are created on purpose for classroom activities...
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TESOL Certification Ardabil Iran
In order for the teachers to do a proper evaluation or assessment of the skills of the students and their real knowledge of english (either at the beginning or during the duration of the course) is very important to do a series of tests that will help to determine the placement of the students or their progress through out the course...
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TESOL Certification Madiun Indonesia
I found this unit in Professional Development to be quite informative as the 'Cultural Issues' section explained the importance of knowing a country well before searching for a job...
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TESOL Certification Malang Indonesia
This unit was much more easier! this to me had more common sense on how to treat people individually and in groups and to recognize that teachers are not there to be superior but as an equal and not there to bully or scare the students but to be there to help and guide them into the new language that they are all seeking to learn for themselves...
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TESOL Certification Kediri Indonesia
Classroom Management is the skill of organizing and managing the class in order for the teacher to inspire confidence in the students and for a class to be able to learn effectively...
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