Teach English in Baltimore - TEFL Courses

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified in Limpopo? Are you interested in teaching English in Baltimore, Limpopo? Check out our opportunities in Baltimore, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English in your community or abroad! offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
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In this section we learned about grammar which is a very important part of the language that we will teach our learners, it is important to know the correct grammar to produce successful learners. Parts of Speech will give an idea about parts of each sentence like a verb is doing an action and the subject is the doer of the action while the object is to whom the action is applied. We learn here about Nouns (common, proper, collective, abstract and compound). We also learn that nouns can be countables or uncountables. Nouns are proceeded by articles which can be indefinite articles (a, an)- when we are speaking about any member of a group, or they can be indefinite articles the)when we are talking about a specific member of the group. Zero article when the sentence is a general sense and no article is needed Before the nouns. Adjectives- usually describe nouns and if we have a cluster of adjectives we have to arrange them according to size, age, colour and material. In order to compare adjectives we use either comparative comparison or superlative comparison. We also learn about verbs (transitive and intransitive). Transitive verbs need objects to follow them while intransitive verbs don't need objects and those verbs are the movement verbs. There are also Infinitive verbs and auxillary verbs (do, have, be). There are different forms of a verb (present which is the simple base form, past simple, past participle and present participle). Adverbs- they add a meaning to a verb and some action to the information. Adverbs can be related to time, place, manner, degree and frequency. Pronouns- usually replace a noun and can be personal, possessive, reflexive or relative. Prepositions which can be related to the time or place (in, on, by, at, over, in front of). Conjunctions- to connect either words of the same class or 2 clauses of a sentence (and, but, as well as, because).