Teach English in Worcester - TEFL Courses

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified in Western Cape? Are you interested in teaching English in Worcester, Western Cape? Check out our opportunities in Worcester, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English in your community or abroad! offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
Here Below you can check out the feedback (for one of our units) of one of the 16.000 students that last year took an online course with ITTT!

One of the most common things that many educators forget is that just like the sciences, education is constantly changing and evolving. A teacher should not teach in the same manner they were taught because educative methods have been improved upon since that time. Even within a five-year gap, the technology and research done to change classroom environments can evolve radically. Because of this, educators must constantly seek to continuously develop their craft. To become an educator at any level, one must be committed to becoming a lifelong learner. Educators have a myriad of possibilities to expand on their careers. From collegiate degrees to weekend workshops, any sort of further education can be applicable in the classroom. For example, even a 10-hour course on leadership training would help a teacher better manage their classroom and receive training from a non-educative perspective on how to have those you lead react positively to your instruction. Another way to further develop ones skill set is to take a supplementary degree in addition to your teaching certification. Even if your first degree was in linguistics or education, it is positive to return for more university-level classes. Even a few credits in cultural studies, speech communication, or any form of the humanities would help an educator be more effective. A class in listening theories & applications could be the difference between making one's students feel like you're truly listening to their responses as people and making them feel like you are only encouraging them to participate for the sake of participating. Even if an educator isn't interested in the humanistic side of teaching (if that's the case, maybe that educator would be more suited for administration), there are many avenues that should be pursued to further one's career. Technology and the physiology of the classroom both affect the classroom environment. An educator could study feng schui or color theory to see which arrangements and color in the classroom produces the best atmosphere for student participation and a good classroom environment. Technology is another aspect of education that is rapidly changing the way educators deliver lessons. Ten years ago, smart boards were almost nonexistent in classrooms. Since most educators teach between three to four decades, it is expected for several revolutionary changes to be introduced in the classroom. It is an educator's responsibility to keep up with these technologies in order to give the students the most interactive, engaging, and effective lesson possible. Although it is hard to break out of one's traditional style of teaching, it is not impossible. The transition can be facilitated by either taking several classes, earning a degree, or even attending several workshops to learn more about classroom technologies. In all, it is imperative for educators to understand that a teacher's education does not stop with their certification or first degree. In addition to becoming an educator, one must dedicate themselves to being a lifelong learner and constantly develop their work to fit new technologies, information, and studies to benefit the students. By constantly evolving one's methodologies to keep oneself current, an educator will learn to be more effective for their students.