Teach English in Xiying Zhen - Ankang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Xiying Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Ankang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

When I first thought of teaching English as a foreign language to those who don’t predominantly speak English, my mind automatically went to the country of South Korea (The Republic of Korea). When I was in high school, my best friend and speech partner was born and raised in South Korea until he was about six years old. So, he would often share with me the different cultural and social norms that vary from that of my own home country, The United States of America. I quickly became engrossed in the culture of South Korea and would listen to any stories he was willing to tell me. Needless to say, once I showed an interest in learning the language, out of his own humor, he first taught me curse words and slang. We would even watch South Korean Variety programs together and he would teach me all of the slang the hosts and guests were using. This being said, I am positive this is not something that only I have experienced. Those who show interest in learning another language can often revert to television shows, or movies, and potentially English-speaking friends. When watching those shows or films, it is common for the scripts to contact slang current to the time period, or improper grammar/syntax. If someone does not know any different, this could be the original way they learn. Then if they are looking to their English- speaking friends, they could, much like my friend, often teach improper use of the language as well. The reason I mentioned South Korea is that, as I learned, America does have quite the influence on the country. When it comes to language, shows, popular icons, etc. Many Koreans associate English with the influences that we have brought over into their country, be it good or bad. It is hard to argue that America has not had an impact on the culture of South Korea. With that impact comes the English language. Those who are not in the rural areas will have more exposure to my previously mention “bad grammar” or improper sentence structure due to this ever-flowing influence. When teaching English in South Korea it will be hard, but necessary, to “reverse” what students have self-taught themselves based on what they have seen or heard. This means that, as a teacher, I would also have to hold strong and continuously remind myself to not give in to the slang and improper grammar I know so well, being an English-speaking native. I will not only have to make an example of the language they previously learned being incorrect, and why that is so. I will have to keep an ever-diligent eye on my own language usage to make sure I do not encourage any improper use of English. Other than this huge issue, I do know that I would highly enjoy my time if I were to teach in South Korea, and I am excited for this next step in my life. No matter how hard it may seem, I am sure it will be worth all the effort.