Teach English in Longgang Zhen - Bazhong Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Longgang Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Bazhong Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

People know that grammar is the thing that every English learner has to learn since the beginning. And learners of any language will continue to learn as well as review grammar as long as they still use that language. Learning grammar is a continues process that learners can never stop. In English, English learners need to learn grammar because grammar is the key to reading, writing, listening, and speaking. In this essay, I will tell the reason why learning grammar is important and necessary. First, grammar is the structure of language or people can also say grammar is the set of rules that people whose use that language need to follow. Grammar is the basic that every language learner needs to know. English grammar is the set of rules that people who use or learn English need to know. English learners need to learn English grammar so that they can put words into a sentence and understand what other people say to them. Because different languages have different grammar, people who learn a language need to know, understand, and remember the grammar of that language. If people do not learn the grammar of the language that they are using or saying, other people will not understand. For example, the word order is subject, verb, and object in English while the word order in Japanese is subject, object, verb. If a Japanese woman uses Japanese grammar’s rules when she says English, her listeners who are English speakers will not understand what she is saying. Thus, grammar is very important in learning a language. English is not only one of the biggest languages in the world but also one of the languages that have complicated rules. If English learners do not know English grammar, they cannot use English to reading, writing, listening, as well as speaking. Second, learning grammar is very necessary because grammar appears everywhere in reading, witting, listening, and speaking. For English, grammar is something like the tenses, the word order, the noun phrase, the verb phrase, the preposition phrase, and so on. People who use English need those grammar rules or structures to understand what other people are saying as well as to communicate with others. For example, if an English learner wants to tell his friend about something that he did yesterday, that English learner needs to use the past tense. If that English learner just uses a normal form of a verb in his sentence instead of adding “–ed” into the verb, his listeners will not understand whether he is saying about things that happen in the past or in the present. It happens the same when English learners are listeners. English listeners notify the changing of the verb to determine whether a speaker is saying about the past, the future, or the present. If learners do not learn the grammar, those learners will misunderstand the sentence. When a person who uses English as a language to write things such as paragraphs, essays, or letter, that person needs to learn, understand, and apply the English grammar correctly. If the person who use English to write a narrative essay does not learn and know the grammar or she does not apply the grammar correctly, her readers cannot understand her essay. For example, when a person wants to connect two things or two events that happen at the same time, that person needs to use “when” in her sentence. Readers will not understand the sentence if that person uses “who”, “which”, or “why” to connect two things. Readers cannot understand because “when” is the conjunction in English grammar that uses to connect two things that happen at the same time. Thus, learners can only know grammar’s rules and structures through learning. Learners cannot just put words randomly together and hope that other person will understand it. Furthermore, learners cannot just make up grammar’s rule or grammar’s structure. People need to learn grammar and apply those grammar’s rules correctly so that others can understand. People who want to read documents such as essay, letter, or paper in a language that is not their native language need to learn grammar. People need to learn grammar so that they can read and understand documents in English. If readers do not learn the grammar’s rules and remember the usage of those rules such as tenses or conjunctions, readers will not understand the meaning of papers. For example, when English learners read two sentences in the past and one is simple past while the other is past perfect, learners need to learn and remember the usage of simple past as well as past perfect to fully understand the meaning of the sentence. Thus, grammar is the necessary thing to know in mind when reading. In conclusion, I believe that learning grammar is very important because it supports people in reading, writing, listening, and speaking. When people want to learn a language, people should pay attention to grammar and try to remember the grammar’s rules as well as the grammar’s structures of that language. Each language has a different grammar that requires learners to know. And learning grammar continuously is the key for learners to be a master in the language that they learn. Learner needs to learn grammar continuously because there are a lot of grammar’s rules as well as grammar’s structure. The more grammar you know, the better you can become. Learners should not only remember grammar in the brain but also need to write the grammar’s rules or grammar’s structures down on the paper and review it regularly.