Teach English in Luming Zhen - Bazhong Shi

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          How to teach English through Songs to Young Learners One of the big problem as a teacher whether teaching English to young learners or adults is maintaining learners interest throughout lesson. Songs can be a very useful tool when teaching English because they contain authentic language and cultural aspects that are enjoyable for the children. Hans Cristian Andersen said that: “When words fail, music speak”. Songs combined with actions activates a different part of the brain, therefore it increases the brain’s ability to store and recall expressions than can then be transposes into speech. When singing, we naturally speak more clearly and slowly than we normally would which is a good way for children to learn the words. Songs provide ample opportunity to practice listening, reading and speaking skills. Also, singing a song it is a great memorization technique and repetition is the key to learning. Repetition offer great exposure to these words and can help to improve vocabulary. Younger learners love songs with repetitive verses so we should take advantage of this teaching tool to help them learn all kinds of new skills. The songs can be used to transition between activities, vocabulary review or brain break. Learning objectives - phonological awareness Listen to sound in words -listen to identify words Using different rhyming words helps children to blend and combine sounds together to create words. -recognize the meaning of words and phrases used in song Teaching Instructions -examine what you want to teach It is going to be a lesson focusing on vocabulary, pronunciation or a particular topic? -use flash cards and props to make the song meaningful Prior to singing the song teach some words and give a simple task for the first listening. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes for exemple, could be used to review a body parts-ask children to touch their body part: Touch your head, touch your knees, toes, etc -sing with facial expressions and gestures that convey the emotions and general meaning of the song. Facial expression and gestures are a great way to communicate emotion and helps the children to connect with the teacher. -ensure that students pronouncing the words clearly When necessary, correct them appropriately. -enunciate the words clearly and maintain eye contact with students so that they can see mouth movements and facial expressions -use the words and expressions from the songs in daily classroom interaction like greetings or other important expressions - occasionally, make a few comment before or after singing or ask some questions related to its content. Before weather song ask the students How’s the weather today? -encourage students to sing as they seem ready. It is important to help students enjoy class by keeping them engaged. Students are never forced to speak or sing. They will naturally start to sing along when they are ready. Assessment Check to see if students can pronounce words correctly, can use the phrases from the song in conversation. The most advantage to using songs in the young learners classroom is that they can create a relaxed atmosphere by reducing anxiety increasing student interest and motivate them to learn English.