Teach English in Sima Zhen - Bazhong Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Sima Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Bazhong Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Parents are said to be the first teachers of students in our classrooms. From the child's birth, the task of educating them is all on the parents. When a child is now old enough to begin school, it does not mean that the job of the parent in regards to the child's education is done; it just means that the parent now has a new partner, these are teachers. As future teachers, our responsibilities should be to encourage parents involvement in a students class and after class activities. Schools are responsible mostly for a students education, parents are responsible for the achievement level of their child, because they enrich their lives with various knowledge that contributes to the development of intelligence in the child.Family encouragement and support increases motivation for the child to learn. As per every schools knowledge, the parents role should not only be limited to home but involvement in school activities too. A child's learning ability is highly related to how they are treated at home. As future teachers, the responsibility also falls on us to ensure that parents are involved in the education of the students both in class and outside class as this has the ability of dramatically changing the performance of a student. Teachers should be willing and able to invite parents to schools to discuss the performance of a student. This is based on the fact that both parents and teachers have their strengths and weaknesses which they could improve by working together as a team to improve the learning standards of a student as the teacher would be limited by not having enough time to solve all the students problems as they also have to attend to others but, a parent can be able to give individual attention and also help improve where the student (child) is lacking. In other countries for example China, the involvement of parents in students activities is limited to outside of the classroom as in the class, the teacher is considered to be the only source of knowledge and the input of parents is readily available. This would prove to be a disadvantage as teachers could find it difficult to attend to certain learning disabilities of a student without a partner to consult with. Without the involvement of parents in the education of a student it could prove to be very difficult in the progress of a student as there would be lack of motivation and encouragement from one side causing an imbalance of the students learning as it is impossible for a teacher to be able to fill in both sides of each and every student in the class without the input from another party. Therefore i strongly believe that the role of parents in education is a necessity for both students and teacher as it helps the student to progress in their studies and furthermore, to be able to help teachers in the development of their students education to give us as future teacher the joy and pleasure of watching our former students progress and achieve better things in life and to pass on to future generations the key to a successful and productive study period.