Teach English in Guxian Zhen - Changzhi Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Guxian Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Changzhi Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Education is a broad term that stretches beyond the topics of language, math, or science. It is about so much more than what lies within the classroom, and this essay is to illustrate the importance of parents' role in education based on what I’ve experienced and seen. Firstly, the more involved parents are with their child's education the better their chances are of building a strong relationship. Strong family relationships are important, and often too rare. Involvement translates into time spent together and children that feel valued are more likely to succeed. Think about all the messages you send on a subconscious level when you spend time with someone. Success does not only mean financially, or the amount of possessions one has, or the status you hold, it comes in many shapes and forms. For a child in a school setting, this kind of success would come in the following forms; having a more positive attitude about school, completing their homework and other school assignments, a higher attendance record, and better grades. Students with these accomplishments generally goes on to higher education or graduate studies. I have seen a 5-year old behind a 2-year old in knowing letters of the alphabet, and it’s because whenever the child asks the mom if she can help with a task at home, she laughs it off. I’ve seen the opposite too, where children who talk about how they practiced at home are far more advanced and happy to be learning in class. Parents can help children by asking about their day at school, helping with homework, reading aloud, and always being supportive in what they need. As previously mentioned, education is not only defined by what they learn in class, but includes exposure to life in as many ways as possible. I grew up with parents who deemed life experience and exposure just as important, if not more, than what school taught us. As a result we are well informed young people who seem to know things about a lot of things. They took us into nature, to shows, on road trips, on service projects, to work, to church, to sports, to cultural activities, and the list goes on. It made us better individuals and more successful as adults. Paying attention to and assisting in a child’s education tells them that one; their education matters, and two; they are important to you. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you have, every child needs a parent who cares. And you don’t need money or status to show it. I’ve seen too many kids get involved with the wrong activities and crowds, and perhaps it can’t be credited to a broken household alone, but another fact might be that there is not much exciting alternatives in this child’s life for them to partake in. If their time is filled with what is good, then there won’t be much room for the alternative. Engage in wholesome activities with your child and teach them about these things. In conclusion, teachers cannot be held solely accountable for a child’s education and responsibility lies just as firmly with parents. Focus on getting this right from when the child is young, during their molding phase, and it will ingrain a message of love and care into them. They will turn out to be more successful.