Teach English in Datong Zhen - Chengdu Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Datong Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Chengdu Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

I truly think that readers are truly the leaders of tomorrow, their hunger for knowledge is profound and I think it is vital to instill this into the next generations. Reading can give you access to boundless amounts of information that can do nothing but improve your chance for success in whatever you desire to do in life. The knowledge and skills they contain can shape you into a better human who is capable of so much, the possibilities are endless. In this writing I plan to list out some of the reasons for reading as well as some methods to try and help kids to become readers as well. With reading there are books for all levels of interest, they can range anywhere from informative to entertaining. Because of that scope I personally find it to be impossible when somebody to claim that “all books are boring” to them, if you feel that this is the case then you just have not found the right book yet. Reading regularly can help improve your mental abilities through improving your vocabulary which would, in turn, make you appear a more intelligent and knowledgeable person whether that is true or not. It can also give you an insight into how other peoples’ minds work and what they think like. I think that is personally helpful because for many people they can tend to feel like they are the only person to feel the emotions or have the experiences that they have and they can feel isolated at times. The beauty of a book is that it can vividly depict and explain everything that they have experienced and comfort them knowing somebody else understands. Even in kids, this insight into their minds can be invaluable for them while they are still young and formative. In adolescence it is important to instill good habits in them that can then carry into their adulthood and the rest of their life. This is why we teach manners and good behavior from such a young age. I feel that the same sense of urgency should be emphasized in regards to helping our kids establish a strong interest in reading. If we can have our kids enjoying books from a young age we can watch as they become more intelligent throughout growing up, they will continually grow a broader vocabulary, and they will become more socially aware of the issues and circumstances that might exist around them. We must do this by trying our hardest to make reading an experience that no child ever wants to live without. Help nudge their imaginations when reading storybooks and show them that when you read anything in their wildest dreams can become true. This eagerness can help them grow and cling to books for what all they can offer within their two covers. While there is no clearcut method that would comprehensively take care of the crisis of kids losing interest in books, I feel that as adults it is our responsibility to try our best to keep the next generation reading instead of wasting away in front of televisions and other electronics. By doing so we can give them the greatest gift possible, the gift of knowledge and power. We give them the ability to learn or do anything in the world that they so desire. This is why I know that readers are leaders.