Teach English in Guihua Zhen - Chengdu Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Guihua Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Chengdu Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Teaching is a very hard detailed job, in order to keep up with all the details concerning the classroom, academics, students and teaching process there should be a very strict and planned classroom management techniques applied by the teacher effectively and efficiently to hold the classroom together and make sure that the teaching process is running as smoothly as possible. In my opinion and from what I learned during my years of teaching is that classroom management is the core and the essence of the success of the students and the teacher. But what exactly is classroom management? In my opinion classroom management is everything and every detail the teacher uses in order to keep the students attentive and organized during a class, to ensure that the learning process is effective and the students are academically keeping up with the learning objectives the teacher is aiming to accomplish. In order to effectively apply classroom management the teacher should take into consideration some techniques and essentials the class should have. Talking about this from my own experience as a first grade classroom teacher , I figured out that; first of all and the most important thing that kept my class effective and my students on task is organization, and I can’t emphasize enough about the importance of being organized, in everything actually. Being organized starts with the teacher being prepared with the teaching material and has her/his plan ready with all the details and the timing for each activity and how to make the best out of the time they have in class, of course there should be a room left for some flexibility and the plan shouldn’t be rigid. By having the plan ready and the material prepared this should eliminate any boring time and any confusion that would result in chaos. Moreover the teacher should be organized with her students in an indirect way, she/he should direct the students to be organized even with each other, an example of an organization techniques that I’ve used with my students, is having a classroom job chart hung on the wall with weekly jobs such as teacher’s helper, table monitors and supplies monitor, it was very useful and successful as it eliminated all the disturbance a everyone had a job and they knew it very well so the students were most of the time on task not bothered by who is going to help or collect the material, as I teach seven year olds who usually get distracted by such things. Another side of organization is having a routine. Establishing a routine with students, especially the young ones, makes life so much easier for the teacher and for the students themselves. It has a very important advantage to the class as it eliminates all the wasted time taken for students to get orderly and to sit themselves down ready to listen and start the class. What I do with my students is that I teach the a process that should be done every single class and after sometime they just do it blindly without thinking, I teach them to come in class to put their lunchboxes and water bottles in a specific labeled place in the classroom, put their bags aside in a specific place also and sit down on their chairs with the exception of the helper and the table monitors who make sure first that everything is done right and in place, no one can imagine how much time this process saves and make the students ready and prepared to start their work. Second and also very important thing that the teacher should use in the class is discipline. Discipline has a tremendous impact on the student’s behavior during a class which has a direct impact also on their learning process. An effective teacher should take into consideration other aspects of learning than the academics, disciplining the students and teaching them how to respect their teacher, their time and each other. In my class I teach my students how to be responsible even form this early age and to take responsibility of their own actions. This is a huge contributor to an effective classroom management, without discipline and respect the class can go out of order easily and can result in chaos wasting the whole class. Also by teaching them responsibility this will impact their learning and make them motivated to learn from their mistake and try to correct them. All the techniques in the world cannot lead to an effective classroom management in my opinion without motivation. The greatest contribution of all and the most effective teaching power any teacher can use is motivating their students and encouraging them love learning and love their classroom. I always make sure that my students are motivated, comfortable and free to express their feelings and opinion. Although a teacher must disciple students and establish a routine and process to everything this doesn’t mean ignoring the fact that they have the right to have fun, be comfortable and free. I always motivate ms students by giving them merits, vouchers and most importantly encouraging them to be better and work on increasing their self confidence. This way the students come to class everyday happy and ready to start the day with a smile on their faces and confidence in their own ability to learn and be better. To sum up as I mentioned before in my opinion the most important weapon a teacher has in order to ensure that her/his students are actually on task and organized to make the most out of their learning process, is having an effective classroom management and using the right techniques to help the students accomplish their aims and the teacher to fulfill her/his objectives. I believe every teacher has their own formula it doesn’t have to be the same way, the teacher should apply what they see fit for their students needs.