Teach English in Hongan Zhen - Chengdu Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Hongan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Chengdu Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

It is important to note that a teacher is an important facilitator, organizer,controller,monitor and a model to mention a few. He is the one who helps the learners to acquire logistic knowledge of the language. It is the duty of the teacher to motivate,encourage and ensure activities which benefit the students positively. According to Cambridge English Dictionary monolingual is the ability to use one language well,for instance a person who speaks English only is a monolingual. Multilingual means the ability in using several languages for example, English, Portuguese and French. First and Foremost ,it is essential to let the children know why they are doing the language,this is done by the teacher through engaging the learners before starting the lessons.This will enable the learners to know the importance of learning the language. Questioners and oral activities will enable the teacher to know the position ,level and the type of the learners he/she will be teaching. It also assist the teacher in knowing the strength and weaknesses of the learners. Through questioners the learners would be given the platform to air out their area of specialisation thus for learning English for Business purposes. This will enable the teacher to plan for future lessons thereby knowing how best can the teacher assist the learners. Getting questioners will enable the teacher to do needs analysis which is an important step in the field of teaching as it will enable the teacher to know the purpose of the learners to study the language. Some will be studying for future prospects ,for travelling purposes, to live in English speaking countries and some to pass their English exams. However grouping the learners according to their needs will enable the teacher to plan for their future lessons. Nevertheless, teaching in a monolingual and multilingual class have certain drawbacks and advantages in acquisition of English language. The students in a monolingual class might found it difficult to acquire language as they will be using their native language in many settings. In some circumstances the learners are tempted to use their native language for clarification on some misunderstandings so as the teacher. It is now the teacher who should limit the use of native language in the classroom. This can be done through doing activities which encourage the Learners to participate using the language they will be acquiring. In a multilingual class,the learners will be using one common mode of communication. The learners will be from different native background, As a result the will be forced to use English language as their form of communication hence speeding up the aquisition of the language. It can be drawn that teaching English in a monolingual language class has certain disadvantages when comparing to a multilingual class in acquiring the language. Moreover, certain activities should be done in both monolingual and multilingual language classes to ensure that the learned are motivated. The environment and the class setting should be conducive. The teacher should be able to manage the class so as to make sure each learner is well attended. The way they sit in class has an effect on the performance of the learner. Some activities enable the teacher to cut talk time and enable the participation of the learners hence the teacher will be passive. These activities can be done in form of pair work,group activities, telephony ,role plays and so on. The teacher is not encouraged to overcorrect. However,feedback is done after the activities to ensure that the teacher would correct errors by giving correct answers. These activities will install confidence in the learners. They will be motivated and learn to share information among themselves. The teacher can also motivate the students through praising them and letting them free to ask questions. This will raise confidence and self esteem as time passes ,the learners will be able to do a lot of communication skills and activities. There are different methods that can be used when teaching these classes. For example, Grammar translation methods can be used at early stages in a monolingual class and Audio -lingual can be used in both classes. However ESA methods proves to be a fruitful method on teaching both classes as the teacher will be able to engage the learners before starting the lesson, thereby doing oral discussion on a particular topic.Study will be initiated whereby the teacher will elicit the new vocabulary to be taught in the lesson.Drilling is done to ensure that the students have acquired the concept of the lesson before they write their exercises on their worksheets. At activate stage the activities are done by the learners and feedback is done to ensure that the lesson has been understood. From the information above it can be deduced that teaching in a monolingual and multilingual languages might have certain constraint but the teacher should be patient and posses good personal qualities to obtain positive results.