Teach English in Huaiyuan Zhen - Chengdu Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Huaiyuan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Chengdu Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

The first step to being a great teacher is understanding the classroom is a two-way street. It is my job to transfer the necessary information to the students but often times students have just as much knowledge to give to me. The ability to acknowledge and welcome a two-sided classroom will greatly enhance the experience for both myself and the students. The adolescent mind is one of tremendous creativity and perspectives that are rare amongst adults. As a teacher, being able to create a safe space where thinking outside of the box is promoted and encouraged will promote engagement and participation from all the students. For me, teaching English as a foreign language will be a unique environment because I will be coming from a different country and culture. Every teacher has to build rapport with their students and being enthusiastic in this process is a very important quality for all teachers. As an outsider in a new place, it will be important for me to always put forth effort to learn the culture and language. Attacking the language barrier can be one of the best ways to break down the divide between myself and the students. Showing the students vulnerability and the willingness to learn can allow the students to feel safe and encourage them to try. Not being afraid to learn from the students and admit to not knowing everything is a personal quality that English teachers should possess. Being open-minded is another personal quality that English teachers need especially when teaching in foreign countries. Having the ability to alter lessons and activities to the needs and wants of the students is very important. Something that works in one country or in one class may not work for others, but a teaching with an open mind will not find this discouraging. A teacher that is likeable and can befriend their students is another quality of a great teacher. Students that feel comfortable and safe with their teachers will be more motivated to learn and willing to try. When a student has a positive relationship with their teacher they will be more inclined to inform the teacher or any issues or problems they are facing in or outside the classroom. This allows the teacher to better connect and understand the lives of their students to better teach them as well. English teachers should also be very vocal and energetic. Learning a different language can be very intimidating and can require a lot of thinking outside of the box. Getting students engaged and involved can be difficult, but is very necessary when tecahing a new language. Having the students moving around, playing games, laughing, and having fun can make the teaching process easier. Students will be learning in a non-traditional way that gives them freedoms in their education and control over the environment. Being hands off and allowing students to become teachers is vital to the teaching process and classroom environment. Students should be given time to correct their own mistakes and those of their peers. Teachers that overcorrect sometimes discourage students from trying in fear of making mistakes and upsetting their teacher. When classroom discussions or activities are taking place and students are asking each other about translations, grammar, etc. the teacher should allow this to take place. Furhermore, this should be encouraged because it allows students that know the information to demonstrate their mastery of the content and share that with their peers. This empowers the students and also reduces the teacher talk time significantly. Listening to the ideas, wants, needs, and interests of the students is another trait that English teachers should have. Figuring out these things and incorporating them into the lessons and activities can increase participation from the students. Students want to be heard and feel like their opinions matter to the teacher. This also aids in the process of building rapport with the students. English teachers should also be up to date in popular culture and slang. Students will want to know how things are spoken by natives in the real world and teachers should be prepared for this. Periodically teaching things like idioms or slang can help students with their speaking and listening skills while making the language more relatable. This could also be a fun way for students to learn things about the English language that probably won’t be in a textbook or course book. Having an outgoing and approachable personality can also be very beneficial for English teachers. Teachers should not be afriad to make mistakes and laugh at themselves when they do so. Students will sometimes have questions that the teacher does not have the answers to and that should not discourage the teacher. In fact, it could be a great opportunity for the teacher to take part in the learning process with the students. This process can show the students that the teacher does not know everything thus making them more relatable. The most imporant personal quality of an English teacher and a teacher in general is to care about that students and their learning. Being genuinely invested in the education and well-being of the students will be evident to the students and make the job more enjoyable. Students can sense when a teacher doesn’t want to be there or doesn’t care and will respond accordingly. Caring will also provide motivation to teach and see students succeed in the language.