Teach English in Dongxiaocun Zhen - Datong Shi

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Learning English as a second language is a complex and long-term task. Many students spend hours and hours on learning English because they are eager to get involved in the host country, pass ELICOS courses, achieve higher education or get ready for future careers. For achieving these goals, the first priority for students is to succeed in language learning. Many researchers have stated that learning a new language is an arduous process because English learning is totally different from learning other subjects, which acquires students to have proficiency in listening, reading, speaking and writing by using a wide range of vocabulary, sentence structures, grammar, daily expression, practising consistently and communicating with others. Although there are some limitations, motivation is crucial for students to second language learning, this essay aims to illustrate the importance of motivation and its’ limitation. Both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation determines learner’s study behaviours. Intrinsic motivation refers to the motivation to participate in an activity origin from activity itself. It means that people are motivated to do something with enthusiasm because they are really into the activity rather than any external influences. In contrast, extrinsically motivated people often achieve some goals because of a reward, for example, money, dream job or passing an exam. Leila Anjomshoa & Firooz Sadighi (2015) pointed out both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are significant for learning. Study behaviours, including engagement in class, autonomous learning after class, efforts in difficulties, are always affected by motivation. Zoltán Dörnyei(1998) argues that motivation offers students’ initial driving force to start learning and later push student to sustain the difficult and long learning process. Motivated language learners usually participate in study activities more passionately and actively. They are more likely to study hard, pay full attention on goals, persistent their efforts without constant stimulation especially in difficulties and even provide energy and encouragement to other classmates (Fadel H.M. & Khaled M. Shuqair, 2013). Anjomshoa & Sadighi (2015) also pointed out the deficiency of motivation may lead to procrastination because motivation is the initial force for students to act. Motivation may additionally increase the probability of successful language learning. Highly motivated students hold a positive attitude towards study and put more efforts to grasp English and consequently get higher score than other students who treat learning a language as a heavy burden (Yuan Kong, 2009). Similarly, Fadel & Khaled (2013) argue that scholars, teachers and education researchers admit that motivation is one of the primary factors determining the successful language learning. On the other hand, if there is not enough motivation, even the students who have great capability may not achieve long-term goals, and both valuable curriculums and good learning condition cannot guarantee students’ outstanding performance in learning (Dörnyei & Csizér, 1998, as cited in Anjomshoa & Sadighi, 2015). Reece & Walker (1997, as cited in Anjomshoa & Sadighi, 2015) presented that a student who is highly motivated but not talented enough or capable, could actually get greater success in second language learning than the student with more intelligence but less motivation. However, motivation is not always successful, sometimes it is limited. For instance, extrinsically motivated students who are eager to learn because of some rewards or other external factors may become less likely to learn in the absence of those factors, in any case, extrinsic motivation usually does not exist for long. Many researchers support that intrinsic motivation is more crucial than extrinsic motivation because students who are intrinsically eager to learn will retain knowledge in a longer time than those who rely on the external rewards or praise (Mislow 1970, as cited in Anjomshoa & Sadighi, 2015). In addition, too much motivation may inhibit successful language learning. Many students are usually eager to get goals in a short period because of huge pressure from families or works rather than learn English step by step with more patience, and they push themselves so hard by trying to remember many words in one day or spending much time on finding a shortcut. Those students are embarrassed, anxious or even frustrated when they cannot achieve the goals in short time. Some personal traits, such as fear, anxiety may bond with social motifs, like demands for social status or money, building a varies of reactions that may prevent study (E. L. Deci & R. M. Ryan, 1985). Therefore, motivation cannot help those students who are over-ambitious or being too pressured to achieve their goals in language learning. Although these problems affect motivation to some extent and the results of language learning a little, they can be solved if English teachers or consultants provide some helps for students, like generating their intrinsic motivation by diversifying class materials or teaching methods, building up reasonable expectation of language learning. Therefore, motivation, both extrinsic and intrinsic, is essential for students to learn successfully. It influences learning behaviours and maximise the possibility of achieving second language success in spite of the personal behaviours and traits. For achieving successful language learning, students, teachers and educators should value motivation than other factors, try to generate and maintain motivation during the whole study process. Being an English teacher, we don't only teach students the knowledge, like vocabulary, grammar, listening and speaking skills, but also, make their learning process interesting so that students will study hard no matter in class or off class. Some teaching techniques, digital teaching tools, interesting teaching materials, interactive games all can contribute to their motivation to learn. Also, teachers' attitude and professional knowledge play a key role. If students question teachers' professional issue, they would not respect the teachers, which could definitely lead to the poor performance. Therefore, being punctual, patient, positive in class, keeping learning, improving ourselves are all very crucial for teachers. In my future career, I will keep improving my teaching skills and integrating my knowledge and practice for better helping students, encouraging them, and motivating them. Reference Al Othman, F. H. M., & Shuqair, K. M. (2013). The impact of motivation on English language learning in the gulf states. International Journal of Higher Education, 2(4), . doi:10.5430/ijhe.v2n4p123 Anjomshoa, L., & Sadighi, F. (2015). The importance of Motivation in Second Lan-guage Acquisition. International Journal on Studies in English Language and Lit-erature , 3(2), 126–137. Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (1985). Intrinsic motivation and self-determination in hu-man behavior (3rd ed.). New York: Plenum Publishing Co.,N.Y. Dornyei, Z., & Csizer, K. (1998). Ten commandments for motivating language learners: Results of an empirical study. Language Teaching Research, 2(3), 203–229. doi:10.1177/136216889800200303 Gilakjani, A. P., Leong, L.-M., & Sabouri, N. B. (2012). A study on the role of motiva-tion in foreign language learning and teaching. International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science, 4(7), 9–16. doi:10.5815/ijmecs.2012.07.02 Kong, Y. (2009). A brief discussion on motivation and ways to motivate students in English language learning. International Education Studies, 2(2), . doi:10.5539/ies.v2n2p145