Teach English in Hongmiao Zhen - Hanzhong Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Hongmiao Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Hanzhong Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

As the New Year approaches, changes are certain in every area of technology, and it is no surprise that there are advances in the education sector as well. In addition to advancements in technology, there are many new toys for classrooms to expect. Combining modern technologies in an appropriate manner can really lift the spirit of classroom learning. With the cooperation, assurance, and flexibility offered with new technologies, students should have more investment in learning desired subjects, and they could spend more time in study.  Let us look at a few of the many technologies that can and will improve student learning in the classroom. First, let us consider Tablets and their portable nature and boundless opportunities. This tiny gadget is a popular element in the classroom. With opportunities to surf the internet, digital textbooks, and word processing, the tablet is turning out to be a popular tool of the new classroom era. With the easiness of storing files, editing material, and internet connectivity, these are now replacing heavy textbooks. Second, Education Apps are now becoming indispensable elements of a new classroom. With the dominance of mobile phones, Education Apps are now a viable and flexible tool to help teachers evaluate students in a better way. Being handy, students are finding it convenient to maximize the possibilities of the classroom experience. Third, Nearpod, a classroom tool, aids to develop interactive lessons, and students’ understanding level can be assessed easily with the app. It allows the teacher to use the app to create and collaborate with other teachers. Nearpod also allows the teacher to spend less time in class prep by allowing easy import of existing lessons already created. This tool also allows interactive features such as interactive field trips.  Fourth, Online Social Networking is yet another way for us to keep in touch with our students in this new era of technology. The teachers and professors can lend some guidance in the form of responses to forum queries, or it also serves as a great feedback tool. A social-based approach to education will seem more in line with the new era students who already spend massive amounts of time on social media. This technology provides students with an online platform to socialize with each other. As a big part of the cloud platform, such social networks give students the opportunity to share their ideas freely while teachers moderate.  In this day and age, it is hard to keep the attention of students with all the distractions from social media, YouTube and video games. That is why Game-Based Learning may be the most popular application yet for the new students. Currently, young people growing up with the internet seem to have very short attention spans. This is not surprising since their childhood revolves around the internet that provides them with 24-hour updates and the answers to all their queries through Google. Perhaps it might be better to provide the student with an avenue that they are familiar with. Schools will eventually need to abandon traditional teaching methods of learning to adjust themselves to the times. One great way to achieve that is to use video games, which have always been considered a major distraction to learning. In the future, education will no longer be confined to formalized institutes like schools and classes. We should embrace the future in the form of Video-Games, Tablets, Social-Networking, and Educational Apps like Nearpod. All these new technologies will certainly give us the access to teach beyond the classroom. They will provide us with the advanced technology to reach beyond geographic borders to educate in ways we have previously not been able to do.