Teach English in Lianshui Zhen - Hanzhong Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Lianshui Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Hanzhong Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Classroom management is one of the most essential factors which would help me to become a great teacher in the future. After having completed 20 units in TESOL course, I have learnt new ways to manage my class more effectively. Firstly, a good teacher should know how to create a student-centered environment. Creating a student-centered environment means putting the students’needs ahead of teachers’goals, and the students are the focus, not the teacher. The learners should be doing most of the talking and engaging, and the teacher should be a secondary figure who facilitates the way students are communicating. Activities should incorporate student interests, and should cater to getting students actively involved. Secondly, practical application is also another essential factor which might help a teacher to become an expert in classroom management. In most classes, practical application is vital for successful classroom dynamics. Practicing language points should provide learners with opportunities to employ everyday usage, and participate in memorable activities. It’s also a good idea to practice multiple uses of points separately when applicable. For example, present simple tense can be used to talk about professions (I am a doctor), family (my sister is 14), and likes and dislikes (he likes pizza). Each of these practical applications will require own amount of practice. Thirdly, it is also vital to consider Grammar Discussion in classroom management. English language learners are notoriously book smart when it comes to grammar. Sometimes though their application of that knowledge can be a bit more challenging. Teachers should encourage students to ask questions, and engage in regular dialogue about the nuances of grammar. In addition, incorporating interests is the next factor I want to mention when it comes to effective classroom management. Teachers should find out what motivate their students, what interests them, and what will get them talking. Furthermore, teachers should do activities where students define their preferences, and listen carefully to student conversations, as well as learn about their goals and hopes. Besides, teachers can tailor exercises and games to the group when they have a gage of what will move their students to participate. Furthermore, teaching English can also be an opportunity to discuss meaningful topics, and influence students to make good choices. Teachers can empower students to be better citizens in their classroom and local neighborhoods. This can be done by providing lessons that approach acts of kindness, giving advice, or solving difficult problems. This could allow students to learn new ways of helping one another as well as assisting others in their community. Last but not least, non-verbal signals can be very useful to manage classroom more effectively. These signals can be tailored to individual classes, and teachers can have students come up with their own ideas of how to institute non-verbal signs. A popular example used in a lot of classrooms today is when the teacher raises one hand, it means he or she is asking for the class to quiet down. As each student sees that that the teacher’s hand is up, they too raise a hand and close their mouth so that other students notice it is time to be quiet. Pretty soon, the whole class will have raised hands and are silent. This can be used to stop an activity, to make an announcement, or simply to calm them down at the beginning of the lesson. In conclusion, there are a wide variety of ways to manage classroom effectively. in my opinion, those approaches which I have mentioned above are quite suitable for my classes. Those ways could allow me to enhance prosocial student behavior and academic engagement, and establishing an orderly environment.