Teach English in Danian Zhen - Heze Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Danian Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Heze Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

English is one of the most common languages in the world. Knowing English can help people communicate to others from different countries and seek opportunities to have a better job or life. English can bring benefits to everyone, no matter how old they are. Therefore, English is becoming essential and more people, from kids to adults, are learning it as a second language now. To help people learn English effectively, teachers have a significant role in their learning progress. There are many types of students such as young learners or adults. Depending on students’ needs, ages, and personalities, teachers can adjust their teaching styles differently in the classroom. People usually do things purposely, including learning English. Some people learn English so they can talk to others while traveling. Other people learn English so they can study or work abroad. Based on people’s needs, they have different strategies for learning English. Teachers should identify their students’ requirement and use appropriate teaching techniques. For example, if a student wants to learn English because he or she will be on a vacation in America, teachers should focus on speaking more. They can teach students how to ask for directions, order food, or check in and out at the hotels, etc. by role-playing, listening to real conversations, or watching videos. On the other hand, if a student wants to learn English so he or she can take an exam such as Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), teachers should offer their student academic materials that are related to the test to help them prepare better. Teachers should also focus on vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation more by providing worksheets or assigning homework. Besides the requirements of learning English, ages may also affect a teacher’s teaching style. Students can be kids, teenagers, and adults. Each different type of age requires a different teaching style. Motivation and repetition are important for young learners. Their English may be limited, and they may use their native languages when they do not understand, so teachers should provide clear and simple instructions. The biggest problem for teaching children is they are distracted easily. Teachers should be willing to make fun of themselves, show them pictures, play songs, etc. to keep their attention. Teaching teenagers does not require a lot of energy, movement, or props like teaching children. However, motivation and clear explanations are also significant. Although they know English more than young learners, not all of them are eager to participate in classroom activities. Some students may use their phones to text or surf Facebook. Others may forget their coursebooks and refuse to do tasks. Teachers should have strong classroom management skills to solve these problems. In addition, teachers should build rapport with their students and find out what they are interested in. One of the helpful tips for teaching teenagers is teachers should also be their friends. Consequently, they can share things with their teachers and feel more comfortable in class. Teaching adults is different from teaching children and teenagers. Therefore, teachers should adjust their teaching styles. The most important step of teaching English to adults is to identify their needs, so teachers can find topics that are related to their interests. One of the biggest problems is students’ energy levels. Adults usually come to English classes after working all day, so teachers may make the material straight forward without fluff. Some students may be forced to learn English due to their jobs. Teachers should not make fun of themselves to entertain their students as young learners. Teachers can motivate them and make their classes interesting by appropriate and educational games. Students who are similar ages usually are in the same classroom. Depending on their personalities, they can behave differently. Hence, teachers should adjust their teaching styles properly. The way they teach a good student cannot be the same as a bad student. Students can be reluctant, hyperactive, and disrespectful. Each type of students requires different teaching styles. Reluctant students do not sometimes want to talk to other students or participate in class. Teachers should use a lot of pair work or role play to encourage them to speak. Reluctant students usually need more time to answer questions or complete tasks, so the teaching style should be fast, in this case, to develop students’ skills. For example, a student knows vocabulary and pronunciation well, but she reads very slowly. To enhance her reading skill, teachers can time her when she is reading. Teaching reluctant students is different from teaching hyperactive students. For hyperactive students who usually ask a lot of questions or like to move around, teachers should lower their voice to calm them down. Therefore, teaching styles should be slower in this case. In addition, teachers can pair hyperactive with reluctant students because they can support each other. Not all the students are nice and respectful. When dealing with disrespectful students, teachers should remain calm and use understandable vocabulary to communicate with them to find out the reasons they misbehave in class. Teachers have a lot of roles in the classroom. It is important to adjust teaching styles to maximize students’ output. A successful teacher can inspire students to use English and show them how beautiful this language is. Teaching needs a lot of passion, especially teaching English. This is a meaningful job because an English teacher can help people have a better life, education, or career. Most importantly a teacher needs to be fluid, attentive, patient, and above all else caring.