Teach English in Gaoyu Zhen - Huzhou Shi

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This unit helped me better understand that Past Perfect Continuous is not a common usage of past tense, and this is important for me to know, because I happen to use it frequently, due to a large amount of academic and professional level writing that I have done, which relies on referencing/citing many things form the past, but in rather great detail. For this reason, I have likely been blinded to this being rather uncommon within common English usage and would therefore be likely to miss that this is likely an enigma for ESL learners. With this knowledge, I will be careful both in using this tense when having general dialog with intermediate and lower ESL speakers and further, be very careful to not over emphasize it to my learners unless they are advanced level. The affirmative, negative, and question breakdowns for each tense, in this unit, are very clear and easy to follow. Seeing that -ed or -d is the quick way to form past simple forms or was/were combined with verb-ing to form past continuous, was very helpful to me. Similarly, the past perfect and past continuous formations were easy to understand and follow. This will be an excellent example for me to use in the classroom with the older students.