Teach English in Duoshi Zhen - Jinan Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Duoshi Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Jinan Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

When it comes to class or group size in teaching, there are many differences between teaching one to one, teaching a small group, and teaching a large class. There are advantages and disadvantages to each. I have been a classroom teacher for over twenty years and have had experience in each of these settings. Teaching one on one has many advantages. The teacher can target the student’s strengths and weaknesses and tailor the lessons to that particular student’s needs. Does that student have a firm grasp on basic vocabulary, but needs to work on verb tenses? The teacher can accommodate that. Or perhaps the student has strong oral language skills, but comes from a linguistic background that does not use the Latin alphabet? The teacher has the flexibility to accommodate that. In addition, the student’s individual interests can be catered to. A sports-minded person can learn sports vocabulary and read articles about football. A student who loves narwhals can read about narwhals. There are some disadvantages to working with students individually. Opportunities to practice the language with other language learners are limited. Activities like games and role-play activities are difficult. It is also less efficient to teach individual students. Working with small groups, for example three to six students, also has advantages and disadvantages. Ideally, students in a small group have been grouped according to English language level. If that is the case, the teacher can tailor lessons to the group’s needs, although not as precisely as with an individual student. Individual interests can be somewhat accommodated. In a small group, students have the opportunity with work with and learn from each other. Games, such as vocabulary concentration or hangman can easily be played with small groups. The students can work on collaborative projects, such as writing and acting out small skits, or designing a travel brochure with a partner. The group dynamic in a small group can be enjoyable, as the teacher can give individual attention to each student, and the students can learn from each other as well. Finally, there are advantages and disadvantages to working with a large group. It can be efficient, as several students are taught at once. If the students are of a similar ability level, the same lesson can be presented to all students at once. Games and projects can be very enjoyable with a larger group, as the students support and learn from each other. Within the larger group, students can be divided into smaller groups or pairs to work together. Stronger students can be paired with weaker students. However, in a large group, it is very difficult to meet each individual student’s needs. Even if students are roughly the same level, they will each have strengths and weaknesses. It is also difficult to accommodate individual interests. It can be challenging to deal with a less-motivated student, and make sure they are involved and participating with all activities. In a large group, it can be easy for a shy or unmotivated student to “hide” behind others. However, an experienced teacher will recognize and have methods for dealing with these problems. For example, with a shyer student, the teacher should have them sit closer to the front, so he/she can be sure the student is participating. However, never put that shy student “on the spot” so he or she feels embarrassed or uncomfortable. In my experience, I have worked as a classroom teacher (large groups), a tutor (one on one), and as an interventionist (small groups). In working with small groups, I can get to know my students as individual learners with strengths and weaknesses. However, there is still enough of a group dynamic to make games and activities enjoyable. There is a lovely balance to this group size. While there are advantages and disadvantages to each setting, I personally have found working with small groups to be the most satisfying.