Teach English in Shuizhai Zhen - Jinan Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Shuizhai Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Jinan Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

One way that teachers can help our students achieve their maximum potential in the classroom is to provide motivation. As teachers, we have to be aware of how best we can help our students to excel and stay motivated. Motivation sometimes comes from our enthusiasm in the classroom, and so it is important as to how we go about transmitting this enthusiasm in order to inspire students to learn. If we make learning fun, provide positive reinforcement in the form of rewards and praises, as well as making lessons interesting and creative through the use of authentic materials and games, we can keep them motivated. The first method we can use to motivate our students is to make learning fun. We should always try to make our classes enjoyable. Students should not see learning as an unwanted or bothersome chore; instead they should see it as exciting discoveries and challenges to master. Classes should be interesting and challenging, challenging enough that our students will be surprised of their own capabilities when they complete an activity. If for example we give them hands on experience such as project based activities, we will be able to spark their interests. “Project based learning can intrinsically motivate students to be creative and explore their own interests—not just for the sake of a test or grade.” Pisa, 2018. If we are able to show them how creative they can be in the classroom, students will always want to be a part of that environment as they will be laughing, smiling, and enjoying themselves as well as the activity. Additionally, the use of games in the classroom is a positive way to keep our students motivated. This gives them a chance to communicate with their peers in a more relaxed situation. Using games in the classroom takes away the pressure to grasp a concept, to get it correct. Using games and other fun activities increases student participation in the classroom. It can also help with their memorization. For example, a set of UNO cards can be adapted to teach telling the time, with varying times (5:15, 6:30, etc) pictured on each card. Every time they put down a card, they practice telling the time. This will help them in practicing numbers and time on a clock, hence memorization of those words and format is essential for them. Using authentic materials is another way in which we can keep our students motivated. We can use songs, videos, movie clips, stories and other literature that are current, relevant, and of interest to our students. By using materials that communicates information that students are familiar with, that they can relate to, we will be able to gain their attention. Furthermore, our students will be able to gain confidence when they realize that they can make a connection with and understand what is being taught. The use of familiar and authentic materials to teach makes learning less abstract, more relatable and relevant to the students. When learning becomes more personal, students often remember what is being taught because they can relate it to their daily life. Similarly, praising students is another way in which we can motivate our students. When we see that they are trying their best, we recognize their effort by offering words of praise which will serve as encouragement and motivation to work harder. By saying ‘Good try/ Well done/ Excellent, etc...’ we can boast their spirits. “Reinforcing children’s work even if it involves some small aspect of the total effort should be a step in the direction of giving the child more confidence”, Ames, 2015. Rewards is a tangible form of praise. Rewards can be stamps, stickers or using a points based system. It is a vital way to motivate students because they have something to work towards other than grasping a concept, or hearing well done. It is a physical reminder of their accomplishment. Seeing their work being recognized in the form of rewards motivates them to try harder. Motivating our students to learn should be a high priority for all teachers. We should explore every way possible to motivate our students. Try to figure out which forms of motivation works best in your classroom. The aim is to always try to create an environment where we can influence students to stay motivated. As Terrell Bells states “There are three things to emphasize in teaching: the first is motivation, the second is motivation and the third is motivation”. Reference Pisa, K. (2018). Are these the schools of the future? Retrieved from Ames, C. (2015). What teachers need to know? Retrieved from