Teach English in Xiaozhi Zhen - Jinan Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Xiaozhi Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Jinan Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

In the first part of this short essay, the different roles of a teacher will be distinguished. Secondly, the main difference between Business learners and other learners, such as General English learners or Exam Preparation learners, will be highlighted together with the advantages and disadvantages to teaching to a class of Business students. As we saw in the previous course, a good teacher should be calm, patient, dynamic and amusing. Some skills that a teacher should have is being able to motivate all the students, holding a good knowledge of the subject that he/she is teaching as well as having the ability to create rapport and interaction with his/her class. A good teacher should also be able to correct his/her students without offending them and know student’s weaknesses, provide help to each and one of them. All these qualities and skills are the ones that a good teacher should learn or should have regardless of the type of class in which he/she is teaching. Basing upon the qualities and skills listed above, we can say that a teacher has different roles. An instructor, a counsellor, a psychologist, a facilitator, a mentor and a policeman. Therefore, we can say that a teacher should be able to adapt to his/her students. A teacher should know that his/her learners are different from one another, not only in terms of age, gender and culturally but also in terms of motivations, the ability to be open to error’s correction as well as in their personal characteristics, such as shyness or inclination to ask questions. However, the main difference between Business students and General English students stand on the age of the students. We should expect to find adults in Business classes. The advantages to teaching to adults stand on the fact that, because of their age, their maturity, as well as their motivations, are presumably higher. Usually, the attention of younger children is more difficult to keep for a longer period of time and adults do not need long explanations about the reasons why something is useful to be learnt. The disadvantages to teaching to adult students are their life problems which could come out during a lesson or could impact on their learning. Their level of self-awareness, especially during an activity or a class of different managerial levels. Considering their age, it is likely that the student has been out of school for quite some time and their re-adaptation to a classroom could take time. Furthermore, their English lesson could be something added to their normal working day which could impact their level of tiredness, diminishing their level of learning and adding on their level of stress. A teacher should be able to plan and find ways to overcome these difficulties by creating rapport with the students. For example, when needed, a teacher could become a psychologist by dealing with the problems of his/her students, become an entertainer to help the students to increase their level of attention and become a facilitator by providing a learning environment and increasing their level of motivation. In conclusion, a teacher is not only someone who teaches a topic, but a teacher is also someone who should be able to adapt to his/her environment and students. There are different advantages and disadvantages to teach to a class of Business students and to be able to provide high levels of teaching. A teacher should be able to overcome the problems encountered during the lessons to be able to create a flourishing learning environment and deliver excellent lessons.