Teach English in Duanchun Zhen - Jinzhong Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Duanchun Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Jinzhong Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Imagine the situation: you come to a car dealership and choose a car, which you like. The sales manager tells you about all the advantages of the chosen model, but soon you interrupt him and say, “You know, can I have a car without an engine? But I want the car to move efficiently even without an engine”. Many beginners want the same thing. Grammar is the same engine, without which your English will not go far. If we did not know grammar, our communication would be extremely elementary. We would not be able to express our feelings in a full way; it would not be possible to form complex sentences and convey thoughts. Nowadays, more and more modern young people are no longer paying attention to how competently they speak in compliance with grammar, how they can accurately express their thoughts and convey feelings. They think that it is normal to speak as they want and grammar is essential only to writers, poets or generally to people who make some reports, write essays. However, it is not actually true. Any person, native speaker or the one, who studies English as a second language, should not just speak the English language but do it correctly. It is essential to speak and write accurately, build sentences and statements according to the rules of the English language as the perception of a person in society depends on many factors. It can be the way he dresses or what etiquette rules he follows. Nevertheless, the speech takes one of the first places while evaluating a person. If a man makes good impression because of his appearance and manners but has incorrect speech and gross mistakes in it, nice attitude to him can be ruined. For this very reason, such a good proverb exists: “It is not the gay coat that makes the gentleman”. Grammar is also vital for written language. When writing a letter or email, person, who writes it, has to be sure that the receiver will understand everything. It is hard to do; an opponent cannot see the writer and cannot see emotions in order to get the main idea of the speech. Consequently, the message must be comprehensible to the reader, and not meaningless or ambiguous. Grammar helps to do it. Actually, a person of any occupation, not only those who often write, has to be aware of basic grammar rules. If an individual needs to communicate with colleagues or customers, it is better to do it coherently. Besides, when applying for a job, everybody should pay attention to grammar accuracy. In the future, it will be easier to find a job for someone who, along with needed skills and qualifications, is able to speak correctly, write a CV without any mistakes and pass an interview. The presence of grammatical errors, incorrectly written words and clumsily constructed sentences will lead to the fact that employer would not even have a desire to ask such applicant for an interview. Many people reckon that grammar is important and at the same time find it very challenging to learn. This is a common misconception. The rules of the English language are logical and intuitive. They are simpler than in other languages. For example, there are only three endings in the verbs in English. They are “s, ing, ed”. At the same time, the German language has at least seven endings. If to follow a few easy principles when studying grammar - the process will go much easier. Firstly, it is better to study it in practice. Rules, learnt by heart, without practical implementation will only slow down the speaker’s speech. It is much more useful to read the wording and make ten or twenty sentences using this rule - this is a practical, not theoretical, application of grammar. Secondly, if English is your second language, it is a nice idea to listen to native speakers. Different movies, TV-shows or news can become handy for this purpose. Gradually, useful phrases and expressions will be stored in memory, and the student will be able to use them in his speech. Thirdly, it is great to choose an interesting book that can captivate attention. While reading, a student can see how sentences are built, what time is used in a described situation. As a result, it is safe to say that it is worth learning grammar and this can be turned into an exciting process.