Teach English in Jinzhong Jingji Kaifaqu - Jinzhong Shi

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According to unit 5, classroom management is a skill of organising and managing the class, maintaining discipline and having friendly & relaxed manner. In order to have a good and effective classroom management, the teacher should have and do the followings: Firstly, it is important to have a good classroom organization. When organizing a classroom, the teacher may consider many different aspects for example the space available, the number/age of the students, and the level of the students and so on. Taking the level of students into consideration, for a good classroom organization, the teacher may pair up more able students with the less able ones so that they can help one another. Thus, it enhances and helps promote a good learning environment. Secondly, making good use of teaching aids can help in managing the class and maintaining discipline. Instead of using whiteboard or blackboard during the class and turning the back to the students, the teacher can make use of overhead projectors or flashcards. In this way, the teacher will be facing the students and can gain more attention using flashcards since they are colourful and have pictures. Next, the teacher can have a friendly and relaxed manner while maintaining classroom discipline. The teacher can always start a new class, project or term with setting up rules and explaining them to the students. In this way, the students always know what the teacher is expecting from them and what should not be done in the classroom. If at any time the students are not able to follow the rules, the teacher can count up to 10 or stand next to the student who imposes negative behaviour in order to stop him/her instead of raising voice or even punishing them. Thus, it can maintain a relaxed atmosphere. Then, in order to maintain a good classroom management, it is important to have a positive learning environment. As teachers, they can impact the learning environment in many different ways such as physically and psychologically. Although, it is important for a teacher to maintain classroom discipline, it is equally important for a teacher to be flexible and change roles according to the activity or situation without being dominant or leaving students uncertain. The teacher should know when to be firm and when to leave students alone. Finally, in addition to positive learning environment, the teacher must be able to inspire confidence. The teacher should provide reassurance to the students to help inspire and stimulate without appearing to be judgemental or manipulating. If students are motivated to engage in the learning process, then it will help in building confidence in them. Hence, their self-esteem also increases. In order to do so, the teachers can give genuine praises, positive feedbacks, personalized activities to students’ surroundings & interests and so on. Since self-confidence of a child affects his or her educational goals, it is important for the teacher to help students in motivating. As a result, the students will surely succeed if the teacher manages to boost the students’ confidence. To sum up, for effective classroom management teachers can have good classroom organisation, make good use of teaching aids, have friendly & relaxed environment while maintaining discipline, and inspire confidence. I think classroom management is very important as it creates the way for the teacher to engage the students in learning. Thus, it can also lead to effecting teaching.