Teach English in Wuxiabashi Zhen - Kashi Diqu — Kashgar, Kaxgar

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unit 4 is about the present tenses which can be divided into : Present simple tense ( subject+base form +(s/es)for the affirmative, (subject +auxiliary verb "do"+ not +base form ) for the negative and ( auxiliary verb "do" + subject +base form )For the question form .I leanrt that the present tense can be use to talk about habitual or routine actions ,permanent situations and facts ,directions and instructions commentaries etc . Also the present continuous tense also known as the present progressive tense is made with the present simple tense of the auxiliary verb to be and present participle( verb plus "ing "of the main verb .( subject +auxiliary verb to be + verb + ing ) for the affirmative form , (subject +aux .verb "be" +not +verb+ing ) for negative form and ( aux,verb "be"+subject+ verb+ing) for the question forms and can be used to talk about actions in progression at the moment of speaking ,to talk temporary actionthat is not necessarily in progress at the time of speaking , Background events in a present story etc . Moreso , another tense is present perfect tense that relates the past to the present .( i/you/we/she /he etc plus past participle) . Subject+auxi.verb"have"+past participle ( affirmative) , subject + auxi.verb"have"+not+ past participle( negative form ) and auxi.verb"have"+subject +past participle ( question). The usage is well elobarated in this unit for example it can be used when we talk about finished actions/states that happened at an indefinite time .it refers to general experience without specific details. Further more , the present perfect continous tense which relates past activities to the present .It implies the activity is likely to continue in the future .Subeject+ auxi.verb "have"+been +verb+ing ( affirmative form) .subeject+auxi.verb"have +not "+been+ verb+ing( negative form) and auxi.verb "have"+ subject +been +verb +ing (question ).present perfect tense can be use to communicate an incomplete and ongoing activity ,when we want to say how long it has to continued.etc .Thus with the knowlodge and some important ideas on how to teach this tenses , teaching this tenses will be easier and effective to me .