Teach English in Chayekou Zhen - Laiwu Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Chayekou Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Laiwu Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Why discipline is fundamental to the classroom. My chosen topic is why discipline is fundamental to the classroom. Discipline can invoke a great number of emotions and responses ranging from horrific to honorable. When I think of discipline, I think about what it takes to be a professional body builder while others may envision the classic image of a Catholic school Nun scolding a child by hitting their hands with a ruler. It is my belief that discipline is the foundation to all educational endeavors. The word itself originates from the old French “descepline” referring to suffering and punishment and the Latin word “disciplina” loosely translated to meaning teaching, learning and all things studious and knowledge based. In this paper I would like to point out a few ways in which we can see discipline as a benefit in any classroom. It is this writer’s opinion that discipline in the class room begins with a clear set of rules and regulations to be followed by both students and educator alike. Most schools will have their own disciplinary procedures that must be followed and if you do not you could find yourself in far worse trouble than the student. Secondly the classroom itself should have a clear set of rules of behavior in the classroom with known consequences such as quit time or losing stars if you utilize a star reward system for honorable mentions. If the class / school has clear rules there is no question as to when and why someone is being disciplined. The next most important form should take the place in the educator’s discipline in their own behavior in the classroom especially when it comes to administering rules. A teacher can maintain control long before a situation becomes a real problem by avoiding certain behaviors as explained in ITTT YL Unit number four-page 15 list of the top ten things to avoid. The list reminds us; not to have favorites, to make sure we give students respect, not to raise our voices as a first response, not to make empty threats, not to be unfair, to be well prepared for class, to be interested in our students, to not bluff about our knowledge, not to be too friendly before getting to know students and last but certainly not least the list reminds us to not change class rules constantly. Discipline is one of the greatest educational tools we have. When we discipline a child, we are teaching them important life lessons and preparing them for a life that is filled with rules and consequences. When we discipline a child, we are teaching them to be well behaved and that our actions have consequences. This is often an overlooked point of schooling; people take for granted that punishment is not just a tool for maintaining control. Discipline is a fundamental behavior that we as teachers help instill into our students and if we do it correctly, we then have helped build an amazing foundation for what will one day be an adult working and living in society. It is this authors opinion that discipline is the beginning of all great things.