Teach English in Liangtang Zhen - Liaocheng Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Liangtang Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Liaocheng Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

When teaching a English as a foreign language the importance of evaluations and testing is stressed just as much as any other classroom if not more. Students learning English for the first time will need a structure of testing as well as evaluations that will ensure their success in their English foreign language class. With several different ways to test and evaluate in the English language classroom it has become easier to adjust the classroom to the needs of the students. The first and probably most important step in the testing stage of each class is the placement test. This particular test helps ensure that students are placed into the correct class based on their current knowledge of the English language. This will make teaching the English language for the teacher easier as the each student in the class will be around the same language level. As time progresses in the classroom there should be more testing taking place. Some the of these test can be progress tests, practice tests, and diagnostic tests. Like other classroom for other subjects a progress test is to check what language has been retained throughout the lessons. This will help the teacher see if the students might need to go back through a particular subject. A diagnostic test is relatively similar to that of a placement test where it is used to gauge where students are with the English language, but this test would more likely be given after starting an English language course unlike the placement test which is before the start of a language course. A diagnostic test can be used by the teacher to help with their lesson planning so that they are able to have lessons that are built to their students. Lastly a practice test is given to students so that they are prepared for the external exams that they will need to take. This helps students with being prepared for an external exam or general exams that are given for certain certifications and courses. There are several different general exams or external exams that can be given to students. The test are designed based on the needs for the students. Test from the International English Language Testing system or IELTS are used for students that are taking a foreign language if the student plans to work or attend a college where English is the first language. Other test like TOEIC or Test of English for International Communication is used for English use in the workplace. Test such as the CAE or certification in Advanced English are designed for those that wish to study abroad in an English native country. The importance of testing is to provide a clear understanding to the teacher on what each individual student has retained throughout the course. This will help students progress naturally through the language as well as provide the necessary information for teachers to build lesson plans and assignments that fit the classroom. Without testing there would be no concise way to learn what students have retained throughout the lessons and where students could use more help with a particular topic. Evaluations in the classroom are a great way to see not only where the teacher might need to change their teaching style or might need to review a topic again, but also to see where students feel the most confident as well as where students might feel where they might need more help. A teacher to can ask the students feedback on things like do they feel they are getting enough of subject such as grammar or spelling or pronunciation to whether or not students feel challenge by the classwork that they are given. This kind of feedback helps a teacher evaluate what they should change in their day to day lesson plans. Such as if the students say that they feel they could use more grammar lessons the teacher can adjust the lessons to have more grammar lessons for the students. If students feel that their course work is not challenging enough the teacher can then look for more challenging course work for the students. By having open evaluations with the students the teacher is then able to show students what exactly is going on inside the classroom and what to expect from the teacher. This in turn results in a more active classroom as well as more confident students. Evaluations help with ensuring students are receiving and retaining course information at the right pace. While there are plenty of important aspects to teaching English as a foreign language testing and evaluations might be some of the most important. Without testing a teacher will never be able to know just how well an individual student is doing within the classroom or know what students have retained and remembered. When evaluating, the importance is to know what students are comfortable with and what can be changed. This is so important because it then helps the teacher understand what might need to be adjusted in the classroom so that students are comfortable with the language. Without testing and evaluations the success in any classroom is little to none, but it is even more important in the classroom setting an English as a foreign language is even stronger.