Teach English in Shiwuliyuan Zhen - Liaocheng Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Shiwuliyuan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Liaocheng Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Teaching groups of students is always a challenge for a teacher because of the diversity of the individuals involved. Teaching a multilingual group or those from assorted cultures will certainly escalate the challenge. Add to that the different student experience and ability levels, and a teacher must find some tried and true methods that will ensure all students have the opportunity to gain the most from the language classes they take. Learning can be maximized in a group teaching scenario by establishing rapport, clarifying instructions, and varying teaching techniques. Probably the single most important priority for a teacher at the outset of instruction is to establish rapport with his or her students. Nervousness is not uncommon for any class, but English language classes add their own level of angst for students who are not fluent in English. Multicultural groups and those with students who do not share a common native language can increase the anxiety manifold. Teachers who can quickly develop a connection with the students in their classes and can foster that same connection among the class members will find that the anxiety levels will diminish, motivation to learn will increase, and the fear of learning a new language will begin to fade. There are numerous techniques teachers can use to establish rapport in the classroom. A relaxed attitude, using icebreakers to learn about one another, and praising student attempts to use English from the beginning are all effective methods. As the ITTT unit on Teaching Special Groups indicated, being willing to make fun of one’s self works not only for children but for adults as well. Breaking down the anxiety barriers will put students in the proper frame of mind for learning. Once students feel comfortable with each other and with the teacher, learning can begin, but it will proceed more smoothly when the instructions the teacher gives are clear and at the students’ level. There is probably nothing more detrimental to students’ motivation to learn than confusion. It is worse than boredom and inability to master a task. Teachers must make certain that the instructions they give clearly describe what the teacher expects the students to do. Simple language, examples, and even pictures can help students to understand. When teachers model the task and check for understanding by having students mimic/respond can also help students recognize what they are being asked to do. Each student has different strengths, abilities, and interests, which makes varying teaching techniques an important consideration. Although confusion is more harmful to motivation than boredom and inability, these factors can lessen the level to which students learn the curriculum. Changing the methods and activities helps to keep the interest of the largest percentage of students. It also taps into the many strong suits of the students, which enables them to experience success more frequently. Enabling them to teach one another through groups and pairs, or even at times singling out those who enjoy the limelight will greatly increase enthusiasm to learn. Allowing other students who may be shy about performing in front of others alternative ways to meet the objectives is also important. Building a relationship with one’s students, explaining clearly what the students should do for each task, and regularly changing the approach to meet their goals will ensure that students learn at their highest level. Modifying one’s methodology will pique students’ interest and keep them coming back for more. Even more important for student motivation is the imperative to clearly let them know how to complete activities and to let them know the goals for achieving the end result. These two (variety and clarity) should be built on the foundation of rapport (affinity) so that students can perform at the highest academic level in the English language classroom.