Teach English in Tangyuan Zhen - Liaocheng Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Tangyuan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Liaocheng Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

English is the most common language in the world. And learning English is very important in modern life. However, many Vietnamese students have difficulties in learning English. Here are some common problems of Vietnamese students when they are learning English. Firstly, Vietnamese students have a limited vocabulary, sentence structure. Many Vietnamese students found that English is difficult because of their limited vocabulary and sentence structure. Many students started to learn English from elementary school to university but their vocabulary and sentence structure are still small. Why students cannot remember vocabulary and sentence structure even though they have spent studying for many years. Their habit of learning vocabulary is that they often learn the list of vocabulary, they do not learn vocabulary in context and do not apply them in real communication, Therefore, they quickly forget many vocabularies and structures. This problem can be improved if they learn vocabulary by enhancing communication, imagining communication situations to be able to form natural reflexes in a real communication situation. Secondly, Vietnamese students do not recognize English sounds. Many Vietnamese students have difficulties with listening skills. The reasons for that are they have a limit vocabulary, wrong pronunciation, so when they hear the correct pronunciation, they can not recognize English sounds. English is different from Vietnamese, so English learners in Vietnam often have basic mistakes in pronouncing English such as reducing sound, connecting sound, accent, and intonation in English, so when they hear people speak English fast, they can not recognize the words, this is lead to the limited ability to listen. Thirdly, they think to translate from Vietnamese to English This is a common problem for Vietnamese students as well as English learners. They often think in Vietnamese before translating into English in communication as well as writing articles. They have to spend a lot of time translating from Vietnamese into English and cannot remember vocabulary. This forms a bad habit that prevents them from reflecting English well. Fourthly, they do not reflect in English. Many English learners complain that they could not use English in real situations despite they have learned English for so long. Besides, they have a poor listening skill, they can not recognize English sounds, they also have an unresponsive problem with English. The habit of Vietnamese students often translates from Vietnamese to English before speaking out, the process of that took too much time. Therefore, It makes communication conversation always delayed. This is also the most common mistake English learners in Vietnam. Finally, they are lack of confidence. Due to inaccurate pronunciation, they are afraid of speaking English, they scare making mistakes, they have a poor reflection with English that leads to a lack of confidence and hesitation when they speak English. Gradually, the lack of confidence and proactive communication will become a bad habit, making them think negatively that they can not communicate well in English. These are above the common problems of Vietnamese students when they are studying English. In order to solve their problems, teachers should find appropriate methods to help them learn standard pronunciation, good reflexes and confidence in communication with English.