Teach English in XihuZhen - Liaocheng Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in XihuZhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Liaocheng Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

A teacher is a person who instructs, guides, corrects, imparts knowledge and nurtures it until the receiver of the knowledge absorbs it. A teacher educates students to help them acquire knowledge. This is the basic role of the teacher. One can say the classroom is the office of the teacher. That is where the teacher does all his/her work. It is the duty of the teacher to set the right tone for the class to make it more exciting and enabling the environment for learning to take place. As in everything, there is good and bad. Knowing the good gives the clues to look out for when considering a person as a good or bad teacher. Some characteristic of a good teacher is to have a great personality, some sense of humour, kind and patient, be attentive, and be a good role model for the students. All these qualities are needed to help manage a class as a teacher. In the classroom, a teacher is expected to instruct and guide the students in their course of education. The teacher is seen as knowledgeable and the best person in any situation to know the right topic or right process of going about things. He is thus expected to impact this knowledge unto the students by instructing them and guiding them through the right processes. For instance, the teacher is expected to instruct a student during lessons on how to go about a topic and guide them in their learning process whiles encouraging them. A teacher is expected to correct the students in the classroom to help them in their learning process and to maintain discipline in the classroom. When students are being educated, they sometimes err because they do not understand a topic or some part of the lesson that was taught. It is natural for a student to make a mistake and it is much better when the teacher is able to engage the students to practice or involve themselves in a lesson which will also give the teacher the chance to correct the students when they make mistakes in the classroom. He must find creative ways of teaching the students and correcting them when they make mistakes, so they don’t feel bad or discouraged to learn. He corrects the students with kindness and patience while encouraging the students. The teacher is in charge of the class and must maintain discipline while still maintaining a free and enabling learning environment. The teacher makes rules and makes sure they are adhered to. The teacher does all these taking into consideration the school policies and regulations. He being a role model must also set a good example for the students in order to maintain discipline in the classroom. It is the role of a teacher to impart knowledge and nurture the students. The teacher must know his or her students by studying and testing them to find their weaknesses in order to know how to teach them. He must also know well what he or she is to teach or impact unto the student. A clueless teacher cannot teach clueless students. The teacher must be well abreast with what he or she is to teach. He must adopt fun and educative ways of teaching students to help make lessons fun and educative at all times. A teacher must also target to have the students be better or more knowledgeable than when they first had a lesson in class. There should be an improvement in the students at all times. The process may take time and there always need patience for effective nurturing. In conclusion, a teacher plays an equally important role in the classroom as a student. Without a teacher, there are no students and without students, there is no teacher. Teachers are needed to impart knowledge to students. Teachers correct and discipline students in the classroom. Teachers are the role models in class that even though they may not be acknowledged for that, they shape the mind of students for them to be better persons always. A teacher is a mind modeller.