Teach English in Yanlou Zhen - Liaocheng Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Yanlou Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Liaocheng Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

The role of a teacher at first glance seems straightforward and self explanatory. Teachers provide students skills and information and help them to gain a better understanding or even master an area of thought. As the course mentioned, the role of a teacher extends far beyond this simplified idea of input and output. I would argue that the role of a great teacher extends even further than what the course suggests. As discussed, within the classroom, a teacher balances being the designated organizer to keep things running smoothly. A teacher acts as a resource for understanding and works with individuals as a tutor for clarifying questions or concerns. A teacher monitors the students to check the progress of their work and participates in activities when it is necessary...or when it is fun. The last point is an important one. I have found through experience that when the teacher is having fun, I, as a student, am right there with them. When I have a fun, energetic day teaching, the students leave feeling accomplished, fulfilled and happy. That is the hidden role of a teacher. It is not easy, but I believe there are some key actions to make a lively, kind, fun and exciting community in your classroom. Throughout the course the “engage” phase was mentioned constantly. The importance of the engage phase cannot be stressed enough, however, even before the engage phase, I believe in the power of greeting each and every student as they enter your classroom. Giving attention to your students (even if it is only for a few seconds) as they enter the classroom builds rapport and acts as a general screening for how each student is doing on a given day. A teacher that cares not only about a student’s grade but about a student’s well being can help students succeed both in and outside of the school setting. The idea of the engage phase is brilliant and necessary for the momentum of the class, but I would argue that the engage phase should really start with the teacher to induce an inviting, fun atmosphere into your classroom. To maintain a fun and engaging environment, I believe that is is crucial for a teacher to be goofy. My favorite teachers are a little weird, they have strong personalities and big, big hearts. Yes, they know the content of what they are teaching, but so do many other people. My favorite classrooms are where I have spent time laughing and smiling. The human brain just seems to be more efficient when you have the time and space to have a good laugh. If a teacher is successful in building a community that is engaged first and goofy second, the accomplishments of the class may go way beyond expectations. Lastly, a great teacher is also a great learner. The course mentioned the importance of making the content relatable for the learners both socially and culturally. A teacher may not know what makes students excited, or comfortable if they are in a new place. Therefore, a teacher needs to take the initiative to learn about the students, get to know their interests, and make the course, and themselves, relatable. The success of a class stems from the ability to build rapport, have fun and learn. The continual success of a class means that a teacher must also want to learn, for the betterment of themselves and their students. A teacher has many roles and tasks within a classroom. From my experience and what this course has suggested is that first and foremost, the teacher is there for the students. Together, the teacher and the students are in a class to learn from each other and enjoy the challenges and the successes of their collaborative work. A fun, positive learning environment starts with the teacher, which can then be carried into the classroom and beyond.