Teach English in Yaozhai Zhen - Liaocheng Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Yaozhai Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Liaocheng Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Figuring out how to approach a class is everything. Without setting the proper tone, or creating the proper learning atmosphere, everything else falls out of place. By creating the right environment for the students, they learn to have expectations for their learning. And by creating a great student-teacher dynamic, they begin to feel more comfortable with making mistakes and admitting to when they don't know something. All this pressure and potential payoff depends on not only the quality of the teacher, but also their teaching styles in the classroom. It's no surprise that teaching children can be a tiresome task. Between entertaining them enough to keep their focus, and guiding them down paths of success, a teachers job is multifaceted and requires adapting to unexpected childlike behavior. But not all children are the same, and not all children like the same activities or learn the same way; and young children learn different than older children as well. Trying to take in to consideration so many different variables when deciding what to plan creates the divide between the imaginative teachers with ones more academic and by the books. The ultimate question being, whether or not to fuel the rowdy behaviors in hopes of leading them to learned places, or try to tame the desires to scream and run and create a more professional learning experience. How the teacher approaches not only the students but how the material is taught determines their strengths and weaknesses on certain crowds. There is nothing inherently wrong with any style, so long as the material is learned; even college professors create lighthearted and easy going classrooms for the sake of breaking tension in a room full of strangers. Games, songs, and activities might seem kid oriented, but the simple repetition of basic elements helps teach any number of subjects ranging in complex to simple. Knowing your audience goes beyond knowing how to teach, it also encompasses how not to teach. For instance, certain political and religious topics are best avoided by all age groups to not focus on personal beliefs for the betterment of the classroom. It also means knowing what materials not to teach. Some teachers like using books more than others, as it provides them a rigid structure and outline of what is coming up. Even these teachers know that solely relying on the book is not enough and supplement other learning aids, or skip chapters in favor of other materials. This is a great example of knowing what not to teach, as it shoes a teacher who knows their weaknesses and strengths and them compensating for them by using different materials to learn sections. Knowing what not to teach can help trim the fat of most lessons, and allow more focus on crucial parts and ways to learn them. Lectures are substituted for hands on learning, reading chapters replaced by games and activities catered to learning the same material in a fun and approachable way. By not teaching certain things or certain ways, the style of the teacher is molded into creating a more rounded and understanding instructor.