Teach English in Binhe - Linfen Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Binhe? Are you interested in teaching English in Linfen Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

I believe if you don't know how to learn you will not know how to teach. With this course, you learn how to teach, the difference between effective and ineffective teaching methods. Everything from a teachers eye contact, to a teacher's gestures, lesson plans, course materials, communication skills, classroom management skills, the evaluation process can have a huge impact on students learning. Learning a students name can give student confidence that will allow him/her to participate more as well. Other gestures go a long way as well, such as pointing and a smile with a positive attitude. Knowing when to correct a student and how to correct them is very important for the confidence as well as their learning development. Correct in the right time can allow them not to repeat the same mistakes. Correcting a student inappropriately can also create insecurity in their learning process. Having the correct lesson plans and type of lesson plans make learning more effective. A lesson plan can help organization and give structure to the class. A lesson plan should be a script and allow for flexibility. The type of lesson plan and course materials can be catered to the subject and needs of the students as well as allow time for accessing individuals. It is important a teacher knows when and how to evaluate a student. Using different evaluation methods and testing at the right times can be a huge tool in the success of students learning. For example, placement tests are given to make sure the student is put in the correct course or class and progress exams are and evaluation tools to make sure they are learning and progressing with the materials as they are supposed to. Communication skills are very important for students learning abilities. For example, if a teacher communicates to rapidly, the students may not understand him or her. If a teacher does not use TPR and miming when appropriate, a student may not understand the teacher. This can cause a student to become bored or uninterested or not confident in the learning of the subject. Classroom management is very important as well. This subject covers all aspects of how the desks will be set up to how and when the teacher will sit or stand. Additionally, classroom management covers the general flow of how the class will go, whether it is pairing students or putting them into small groups to encourage communication as well as seeing which students may or may not get along too well together and adjusting the situations individually. These are only a few examples of why it is important for a teacher to learn teaching skills. These and many other skills can aid or hinder a students success. These skills can always be polished, updated and practiced as needed by an individual teacher. A teacher is someone who helps a student acquire knowledge and how he or she does so is vital to the students education. Learning is an endless process and so is learning to teach.