Teach English in Qucun Zhen - Linfen Shi

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My Summative Task essay is about a topic I studied in unit 5 of the ITTT online course. While unit 5 was not my greatest life achievement, I did enjoy reading about and learning ideas that were presented. The whole topic of grouping students was an eye-opener to me. I really didn’t put too much stock into how students were lined up in a classroom. I did understand the notion of keeping troublemakers in a place easy to keep an eye on and deal with. However, the science of class grouping and arrangement was a new way of thinking. It all did make perfect sense. Grouping is not, nor should it be viewed as a singular one-size-fits-all methodology. To do that is to create a classroom that is rutted in a stale, humdrum exercise that is nowhere close to being the interesting, lively event that is beneficial to the student and fulfilling to the instructor. In no order of importance, but merely that of interest to me, I will discuss what I learned in regards to grouping students and classroom arrangement along with an example of what form of teaching would be best served in said grouping and arrangement. The first grouping to discuss would be the student working on their own. Of course, this is a simple grouping in regards to arrangement. While students are on their own, how they are seated is not as important to govern as much as the other group types. The main focus would be that of the teacher is in a position to command the room during any instruction or lecture. Eye contact between the instructor and all the students at all times during this time is necessary. Orderly rows are the more common form of arrangement. The attention of the student is important during the time. Information, as well as the chance to ask questions individually, requires attentiveness as well as recognition if the teaching is not connecting to all students. This allows the instructor to drill down individually with students who have questions. In regards to the effect of individuals working on their own, an independent study can help students in becoming capable of “connecting the dots” on any new information that they need to learn without the required help of others in a group. It should be noted however, this form of grouping will not promote any connections among the students within the class. Therefore, it may be good if this form of grouping was to be used sparingly or at the least in some form of rotation. Another grouping is that of Pair-work. Horseshoe or circles would be ideal for this grouping. Orderly rows could potentially work as well with the students conversing to the person to their right or left. However, a horseshoe will provide a more informal environment. This can be a good alteration from the norm of formal teaching. Keeping the class fresh in the presentation may prevent the students from thinking the class as stale and stagnant. A purpose of this second grouping is to place students in a position where they can enjoy student to student interaction. In this grouping, the teacher is not the focal point, per-se. However, the students are in a position to be more active amongst each other. This allows for interaction within the Engage or Activate stages in the lesson. A third grouping is group work. This is meant to be different from pair work in that group work is meant to be exactly what it claims to be, for groups. This is more of a pack type of learning. Unlike students working on their own or working with one other individual, group work is more like a think tank. Small groups working and learning together within the class setting. In group work, the arrangement of the class would be most beneficial sitting at separate small tables. Once again, in this arrangement, the teacher is not in as dominant a position as with orderly rows. This type of grouping can allow the teacher to create groups of students in a manner that they feel would be most beneficial to the learning potential of the students. Also, during the study stage, the teacher can go table to table addressing any questions in a smaller group setting. The opportunity for a greater volume of talking among the students is the major benefit of this grouping. Another benefit is that it encourages students to try out what they have learned among peers. This informal grouping places the students in a more relaxed atmosphere which facilitates group conversation in the foreign language. Whereas in a more formal classroom setting, the instructor may not get some students to open up as easily. All groupings; whether it is students working on their own, Pair-work, or group work, each one has its benefits and its disadvantages. The important thing to recognize is the methodology being used during the lesson, and being able to know what practice works best. The instructor needs to use their creativity in the classroom, making the information they teach that much more interesting.