Teach English in Tiantan Zhen - Linfen Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Tiantan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Linfen Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Imagine the best teacher you have ever had. What were they like? How did they speak, think, and act? What qualities characterize a truly good teacher? There are certainly a variety of ways to be a good and effective teacher, and there is no single standard to follow. However, through adopting the eight “PEACEFUL” qualities, any teacher will be better and more effective in the classroom. A PEACEFUL teacher is as follows: he/she has a (P)assion for teaching, is (E)ngaging and friendly, shows (A)uthenticity, vulnerability, and humility, displays (C)are and compassion, is (E)xact, organized, and accurate, (F)ollows through on commitments, is (U)nderstanding and aware, and exercises (L)eadership and authority. In this essay, I will further expand on how these PEACEFUL qualities can enrich the classroom experience, encouraging good behavior and high engagement from students. (P)assion for teaching, when genuinely displayed, is a powerful tool for bolstering student engagement in the classroom. When a teacher is connected to his or her subject material and visibly enjoys the act of teaching, it shows. Passion brings light to the eyes, music to the voice, and energy to the process. This draws students in and makes them more motivated to learn. Teachers who are (E)ngaging and friendly boost student engagement in and satisfaction with the course to a new level. Students and teachers alike are complex human beings with individual passions, interests, and life experiences. The more students and teachers can bring their whole selves into the classroom and into their learning, the more engaged they will be. A friendly and engaging teacher helps students to be comfortable and feel open in the classroom. Simple habits like greeting students warmly by name, smiling and encouraging students even when they make mistakes, and referencing students’ hobbies and interests can completely shift the classroom dynamics, boosting participation and enjoyment from students. Teachers who are not afraid to show (A)uthenticity, vulnerability, and humility stand out as exceptionally effective and impactful. We are all human, and when a teacher can demonstrate to students that they too are imperfect, it immediately relieves tension and gives students freedom to fearlessly explore in their learning. Sharing an embarrassingly funny personal story or making a self-deprecating joke can go a long way. When a teacher does not take his/herself too seriously, the classroom becomes more open, lighthearted, and fun. (C)are and compassion are perhaps two of the most critical qualities for a good teacher to possess. Learning a new language can be a challenging endeavor, and students are bound to experience a variety of frustrations and emotions in the process. Additionally, no student is learning in a vacuum; they are often simultaneously experiencing the pressures of growing up (in the case of young students) and navigating life inside and outside of the classroom. A teacher who is genuinely caring and compassionate, displaying empathy and concern for his/her students, will serve as a positive and trusted role model, making a lasting impact on students’ lives. While no teacher is perfect, it is important that teachers strive to be as (E)xact, accurate, and organized as possible in their roles. Some ways to demonstrate these qualities are being punctual and carefully adhering to school standards (such as dress code, rules of conduct, etc.). Teachers should also work to keep their materials and their classroom neat and organized. When teachers personally demonstrate high standards for accuracy and excellent, students receive the message that the quality of their work also matters. Students gain greater respect for their teacher if the teacher is accurate and exact. Teachers also gain respect from students when they (F)ollow through on commitments and honor their word. In simple terms, when a teacher says he/she will do something, he/she should do it. Following through could take the form of enforcing a particular rule, behaving a certain way, or adhering to a particular plan. If a teacher announces that the class will be completing a certain activity or sets out an agenda for the class, he/she should do his/her best to facilitate the smooth execution of said activity or agenda. Additionally, teachers should be consistent and fair in enforcing class rules and policies, following through on the information outlined in their syllabi and other course materials. Effective and successful teachers are also (U)nderstanding and aware of the various dynamics affecting their classrooms. Interpersonal dynamics, student demographics, learning levels, students’ strengths and weaknesses, and specific needs are just a few of the important elements teachers should vigilantly work to understand. Teachers who are aware and keyed into how such factors affect both individual students and the class as a whole will be more effective in engaging and connecting with their students. Finally, the best teachers command (L)eadership and take authority. They calmly and clearly lead the class and command the respect of their students. The most effective way for a teacher to take charge as a leader is to embody first seven PEACEFUL qualities. A teacher who has a (P)assion for teaching, is (E)ngaging and friendly, shows (A)uthenticity, vulnerability, and humility, displays (C)are and compassion, is (E)xact, organized, and accurate, (F)ollows through on commitments, is (U)nderstanding and aware, will naturally move into a position of leadership and authority. Students will inherently respect a teacher with these qualities, and the best kind of respect is that which is earned. By synthesizing these eight PEACEFUL qualities, teachers will enrich the classroom experience, encouraging good behavior and high engagement from students. These qualities serve as a roadmap for teacher success in the classroom. **Note: The "PEACEFUL" qualities were personally developed by me and have not been formally endorsed by any particular authority/ external source.