Teach English in Tunli Zhen - Linfen Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Tunli Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Linfen Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Speaking English has become a sought-after necessity – it’s the most commonly spoken language in the world, with 400 million active speakers across 53 countries. It is also the language of the internet, with most websites and URLs written only in English. The demand for learning how to read, write and speak English is so high across the planet; that naturally, there’s just as high a demand for English teachers as well. With that being said, an English teacher willing to work abroad offers an enormous variety to the options one can pursue. The primary option for someone practicing TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) would be, of course, to teach at a school! Teaching at a school is a bit “old-school” in today’s technological age; but that doesn’t mean it can’t be as rewarding, if not more, than other forms of teaching. First of all, it’s all done in person. It is well known that students learning in a classroom will have stronger memory retention of the class material, in comparison to online learning. Think about it, there’s a reason why it’s remained as the teaching standard for all these years! Teaching in a classroom, as many new teachers will find out, is also the easiest option, because one doesn’t need much experience to get their foot in the door. Employers often favor traditional classwork over online courses, so it’s also the best for the student’s future resume! Another occasion that arises when teaching abroad, is instructing students one-on-one, as a private tutor. It is well known to be the most lucrative route for the traveling teacher, if time is managed correctly. One can tutor students after they get off work in the classroom, if energy levels are high enough, that is. Business cards are must for the one-on-one tutor. Thankfully, most countries now-a-days have printing shops to help make chic business cards at a discounted price! However, it is not recommended to tutor students unless one has already gotten some experience under their belt from classroom teaching first; because it builds confidence, and you can expand your network with other teachers, parents and/or students. The last major option for an ESL teacher is to teach students online. China is leading the way with students learning English online, with 300 million students currently enrolled! With that demand, the pay is substantially higher, upwards of twenty-five dollars an hour. With great pay, comes great responsibility, however. There are some drawbacks: A decent, steady, internet connection is a necessity. Years of TEFL experience are required as well. It is also said that with teaching online there is a demand to be silly, to make a fool of yourself more often. It helps lock in the student’s attention, due to the fact the lessons are mainly done with Skype, (or a sister program) and children get bored easily. Also, there is a cessation of face-to-face contact, that cannot be replicated, unlike teaching in a more traditional, classroom setting. Every school, student, and teacher are diverse. Teachers must adapt their rules and standards to reflect the needs of the student. Some of the aforementioned options might not be available, depending on the country and/or city one teaches in. Most countries that have significantly large TEFL programs, also usually have a substantially amount of EFL teachers. So, get out there and ask! “10 REASONS TO LEARN ENGLISH” “THE ADVANTAGES OF CLASSROOM LEARNING OVER ONLINE EDUCATION”