Teach English in Xinzhi Zhen - Linfen Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Xinzhi Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Linfen Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

I believe that English teachers should possess a variety of traits and qualities in order to be successful. Qualities like patience, listening skills, communication skills, organization skills, and friendliness are important to have. Being a teacher is not the easiest job in the world but with the right mindset, the right qualities, and a hard work ethic it can be achieved. As I mentioned, English teacher should have an abundance of patience. Patience is important because it takes time for students to process and learn what is being taught to them. Some people pick up things faster than others so that means not everyone is on the same page. A teacher has to have the ability to go through a lesson as effectively as possible even if that means slowing down the pace. Not only is patience important but being able to listen to students is significant. A teacher has to recognize when a student seeks help, whether they truly understand a concept or not, if they are struggling in pronunciation, or when they are just asking for assistance in general. Being able to truly listen to students is crucial in helping them move forward in learning English. Going along with listening skills, having good communication skills is a quality that English teachers should possess. The way a teacher expresses concepts, ideas, views, and thoughts has a direct influence on students. They should be able to communicate as openly as possible. Teachers should be able to exchange information as smoothly as possible to their students. One of the biggest qualities that a teacher must possess is friendliness. Students feel more comfortable reaching out and talking to teachers when they are kind to them. It also sets the classroom mood to a more positive, cheerful, and joyous way. A student would feel that approaching a teacher for anything is easier when the teacher would be more than happy to help them in anyway. Another quality that is important to have is possessing great organizational skills. An English teacher should be able to have all homework, lesson plans, activities, grades, resources, quizzes, exams, and worksheets in order. The more organized the better since you will able to track down past, current, and future agendas. If a teacher is disorganized and not handing back corrected homework, quizzes, exams, or grade updates students would feel more discouraged. They would also need to know how they are doing in class and feedback is important for them to grow. Overall, English teachers have a lot on their plate. They need to able to teach their class at a solid pace. They need to be able to have superb listening skills, exceptional communication skills, and proficient organizational skills. On top of that, English teachers need to go in a classroom with a positive attitude, demonstrate friendliness, and be fond of their students. Teaching is a passion for many and being able to change the lives of students in the best way possible is a blessing that is pleasing if done right.