Teach English in Xipo Zhen - Linfen Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Xipo Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Linfen Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Many of the people around the world have pondered the idea of using a single language to communicate rather than using the multitude of languages which are currently in use today. This seems to be an excellent idea to some. However, others may not feel the same. To answer this question, we must first look at the possible "Pro's and Con's" of this topic and then we can decide for ourselves if the endeavor is worth the time and effort. Some of the "Pro's" of using English as a global language are as follows. English is already a common language in many countries. Furthermore, it makes sense to use it as a global language. There is not much point in creating a new language system to achieve the same goal. A sense of uniformity and wholeness as a species could be achieved which could result in a "Family like structure" amongst people. The elimination of censorship between various groups of people which would allow them to understand the sensitive issues of another country and/or group of people. Another possibility regarding the use of global language is a reduction in conflict amongst countries. If people understood each other, they may be less likely to engage in war. One must ask themselves, if every country spoke the same language during the time of Nazi Germany (1934-1945), Do you think it is possible that Adolf Hitler would have made different choices? Perhaps he would have been less inclined to conquering the world!. More advantages of global language are the dropping of language barriers that people are often faced with. If everyone spoke the same language, people could learn more from each other. The transfer of knowledge between people and countries would be astounding! Global language could lead to better job access and opportunities worldwide and could potentially allow for better trade options amongst countries. In addition, a common language amongst the people of the would have a major and positive impact on personal human relations like friendships and love. This alone makes the concept of global language worthwhile. Now, here are some of the "Con's" associated with using English as a global language. First off, it could eliminate diversity among countries and potentially cause change in laws over time. Uniformity of language could eventually demand changes in such matters. Diversity is something that many people cherish and not all would be willing to conform to a new standard. The concept of global language also threatens the foundation of many cultures, it could possibly cause disinterest in the people's native languages which the culture was originally built around. Global language could also take jobs away from professionals such as language teacher's and translator's because there would no longer be a need for them once a global language is established among countries. Global language could also create a false sense of "Utopia", and if any number of people have misplaced faith in the concept of global language then it would be safe to assume the idea itself could ultimately lead to ruin. Global language could be a terrible thing, if we take into consideration the myth of the "Tower of Babel" (Genesis 11:1–9). The word "Babel" Translates to the word "Confusion". In this myth, humanity was united in ancient times. These people all worked together in an attempt to build a tower that could reach the heaven's, these people thought they could be like the god's by accomplishing this goal. The gods were not at all impressed with the people's arrogance and then confounded the peoples speach so they no longer could understand each other which halted the construction of this tower. The people were then scattered across the planet. one might assume that a global language was never meant to happen, therefore should never happen. As you can see there are many "Pro's and Con's" associated with this topic and the list continues to grow as different people around the world formulate their own perspectives. One thing we must keep in mind is that "Nothing Is For certain". If we as a people decide to make English a global language, there will undoubtedly be "Hick-ups" along the way. Some may be positive and some may negative. Humanity will not know for certain until we try. If we allow ourselves to be held back by fear and doubt, we would only be denying ourselves progress. It is my opinion that we should move forward with this concept and make English the first global language. Despite all the possibilities stated above; I still feel that there are many more advantages versus disadvantages. After reading this, you may have formed opinions of your own relating to this subject. Each person is entitled to his/her own opinion. Therefore, I encourage you to express that opinion and answer this question for yourself. Should English be introduced as a global language?