Teach English in Huangshanpu Zhen - Linyi Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Huangshanpu Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Linyi Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

I'd like to begin with the saying that we all have been beginners - and we all remember how difficult it was - that is why the first thing that a good teacher should do — is to become understandable and sensitive. As we have got to know from unit 19 that beginners are divided by 5 categories : absolute beginner (it is a great present for teacher, because this student had no experience that's why he will absorb all the information that you will provide him, and he won't rely on his previous experience) — in this case you need to give him easy tasks- make explanation very clear and try to avoid the usage of his native language - you can use TPR (total physical response)instead, to make your explanation clear and useful. Second category is “ The false beginner “ (they need more attention to their speech because they had some experience - however it's not always correct and in the beginning they will have lack of confidence as all the students in these categories. The third category is “ The adult beginner (their motivation is much higher than motivation of younger learners) however, it happens that they study just because they need it for their future promotion, although, those students who have made decision to study by themselves they need a support from teacher's side - teacher needs to encourage them more in order not to lose their motivation. Their age can range from early 20s to mid-50s. If they need it for work ESP you should get to know what are the common needs of the group if it is an individual person what needs does he have, what does the company do where he works. The fourth category is” young beginner “(they didn't make decision to study English by themselves - that's why they have a lack of motivation - but once teacher will be able to “ break the ice” and fall in love with him - they will be motivated. Teacher's aim is to make them enjoy his class - teacher can achieve it through the level of fun and jokes appropriate for this level, teacher can use SLT to give them an idea where they can use these vocabularies, use many colorful props and teaching aids which they can touch - the more senses the teacher can touch the better they will memorize the content, use choral repetition to increase their confidence. Also, you need to take care of your speech. Reward them with stickers or high five even your smile is already a reward for them. The fifth category is “ The beginner without Roman alphabet” - apart from lack of experience and motivation these students need to be patient - because they need a lot of initial work on basic literacy skills also a lot of reading and writing practice. They will need to have more written homework assignment and to practice more reading in class in order to avoid mistakes. To sum up I want to say that these groups have many things in common : all of them need motivation, the usage of simple language, very good explanation with the use of TPR, the pace shouldn't be quick use as many visual aids as you can, use pair and group work in order to increase their confidence, use choral repetition, try to use only English during each activity and don't forget about homework because it helps faster memorize the content.