Teach English in Hutou Zhen - Linyi Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Hutou Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Linyi Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

New technology can play an important role in and out of the classroom. Its' use can reduce teacher talk time, encourage student discussion, aid in attention and motivation to learn the language. This category can encompass any piece of technology that can aid in language learning. Video, audio recordings, cameras,, Interactive white boards, projectors, computers, the Internet and smart phones are prime examples. The downfalls to using these tools are that the institution a teacher works at may not have access to these materials and the students may potentially not have the access or funds for smart phones. Wherever possible, new technology can create a contemporary aid to the typically older course books, thus boosting motivation of students living in this technologically advanced world. The use of online dictionaries is commonly replacing physical books. Students now have access to English resources at their fingertips. A dictionary contains definitions, spelling, phonetic spelling, and example context sentences. A digital dictionary adds the benefit of typically having a sound file for real time pronunciation. As a teacher we need to teach the students how to effectively use a dictionary by discussing the phonetic alphabet, and assist in the correct method of learning vocabulary. For best practice, a student would repeat what they hear for speaking practice while reading the text. Therefore digital dictionaries, along with aiding in learning new grammar and vocabulary, help promote reading, listening, speaking and pronunciation. If the student wanted to practice reading English outside the classroom, the Internet is also readily available to them on their phones. They have access to contemporary articles, language exchange apps, YouTube, social media and so on. This gives them the authentic material through a wide variety of people, accents and text. This creates the illusion of immersion while being in their native country. Learning a language is all about input, output practice and learning from mistakes. If learning a new language is best absorbed in its' native country, then outside the language classroom, I believe the Internet to be the next best platform. Unfortunately we can't avoid students coming across incorrect English on the Internet. All we can do is reinforce the correct grammar within the classroom and answer any questions they may have. Of course as teachers, we can utilize the Internet and find appropriate material to use in the classroom as well. As a student progresses their studies they will come to realize these grammatical mistakes, aiding in their self-confidence. Within the classroom, a teacher needs to prepare for the use of technology within the lesson. If used properly, it reduces teacher talk time and can aid in elicitation of targeted language from the students. Once the teacher has made sure the technology being used works properly, it needs to be placed where all students can see and hear. This reduces confusion and the teacher is less likely to have to re-explain directions. If it's an authentic piece of material, the teacher may need to prepare some important vocabulary and/or cover a grammar point to help the students understand the content. It's important not to give every new item because we need to encourage learning through context to gain the general understanding of the piece and to promote self-learning; only pre-teaching the language vital to understanding the content. Another engaging use of new technology, if supplied by the school or if the students all have access to a phone, is the use of a video camera. This creates a safe environment for students to practice their English, and allow for self-correction and learning during playback. An example Straight Arrow class for lower-intermediate students, with the lesson objective focusing on the modal verb 'can', could be as follows: A class starts by playing a couple video advertisements for products by use of a TV or projection screen. The teacher asks the students if they use the said product, how and when they use it. (Ideally a mix of popular products used by their culture and a couple from English culture). Through the lovely Internet, we could also find an unusual product, show a picture and elicit what they think it can and cannot do to transition into the study phase. After they have guessed what it can and cannot do, we playback the video to see if they're correct. Trough this they can hopefully now pick up on the 'can' structure and write them on the board. The study phase will transition into some language drills and elicited student example sentences. The teacher can bring/use some random object (from home or around the classroom), pass one out to each student and ask them to write a couple sentences of what they can and cannot do with said object. After a set time, the class comes back together and discusses what each student can do with his or her object. The teacher can further prompt another student to repeat what someone can do with his or her object as well. This will transition into the activate stage. The teacher can play a short pre-recording of a product they came up with, explaining what it can and cannot do. The students are then asked to create their own product in pairs, if time allows including a tiny sketch, and film themselves in a short promotional video for their new product of choice, explaining what the product looks like to review adjectives and what it can and cannot do. The class would then come back as a group and play each video for a feedback session. As the class dismisses, the teacher could play the popular Disney song ' A whole new world' from Disney's Aladdin. (“I can show you the world”). This lesson uses multiple technologies throughout the lesson and allows for all core skills to be practiced.