Teach English in Lingquan Zhen - Linyi Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Lingquan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Linyi Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Grammar is the backbone of a language. It is the heart and soul. Understanding how to use a language properly is important to be able to communicate with people who speak said language. Without grammar, languages are nothing but words. While plenty of people may know words in second languages, if they cannot effectively structure them in sequence correctly, it is impossible to understand what they are trying to say. As a result, taking the time to understand the finer grammatical points of a language is vital for communication purposes. For example, a single misplaced comma can easily change the meaning of a sentence, even if it was unintentional. My grade school teachers used to use the example “Let’s eat Grandpa!” Without the comma, it means literally eating grandpa. However, if a comma is correctly inserted into the sentence so it reads “Let’s eat, Grandpa.” the meaning changes from wanting to literally eat your grandfather, to simply telling your grandfather that now is a good time to eat. Having good communication skills important for being understood in everyday life, is vital to succeeding in the professional world. In the real world, people are judged on first impressions. This can happen in many ways. For example, in the business world, have you dressed appropriately? While it might be perfectly acceptable to wear sweatpants, a hoodie, and a T-shirt while lounging about the house during in the evenings or on the weekend when it comes to meeting with clients a professional looking suit is required. Failure to wear one can lead to people having a negative impression of you, potentially ruining any deal that you were trying to make. This extends to language as well. Failure to speak in a coherent, articulate manner can leave people with less than positive impressions of you, something that might hold a client from being willing to close a deal. If money is involved, most people are especially motivated to make sure that they fully understand what they are getting into investment-wise, and if you cannot as a business professional clearly articulate what is going to happen with the money, and where the money is going, potential investors will be very wary of handing over the capital to you, even if you are dressed nicely. Therefore, having excellent grammar becomes very important in the business world. It’s not just in the business world where grammar can hamper career advancement. People are judged all the time when they speak. From politicians to sports stars to the store clerk in your local drug store, people are judged by how they conduct themselves. Speech is one of the main ways this happens. Poor grammatical skills often reflect a lower quality of education, and this leads to unfortunate labeling as being lesser than someone else. Those who write and speak grammatically correctly often receive an advantage in society. Whether it is landing a job position because you could persuasively explain why you are the right candidate for the open job position, or simply receiving higher marks on papers which in turn leads to higher grades and possibly admission to better colleges, understanding the grammar in the language allows for elevation in societal standing. Thus, while grammar is vital to just be understood in the most basic situations, it is also important in the professional world.