Teach English in Shenshan Zhen - Linyi Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Shenshan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Linyi Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

When teaching a class, it is very important to be aware of different learning techniques when teaching English. Having a wide variety of options as a teacher helps you expose your class to different information and it keeps it interesting for the class. Using different tools also helps the students comprehend the material in a more holistic way. Instead of separate ideas, they will absorb the concepts more effectively. The first technique would be to engage the class (usually at the beginning) on a particular subject and get their thoughts on it in English. It's important with this technique to use questions that would elicit vocab that the students already are familiar with. This is a good skill to cultivate because it makes the class think in the new language. One of the best ways to learn English would be to speak it back to the teacher as it solidifies concepts in their mind. Sometimes, students will feel self conscious to speak in front of the class, but that is when a good rapport comes into play as it will make them more comfortable. The second technique that is good to use is to direct the class to break off into groups for exercises and worksheets. This helps because it will reinforce the material all the while having students help each other. Sometimes the class size is bigger, so it will be harder to engage every student with the first technique. While they are in smaller groups however, the more skilled members of the class can assist the ones that need more help. Worksheets are good for this technique because it makes the class focus on one task. After this phase, the teacher can correct and help those who are still confused. Other techniques include different types of materials, which vary by teacher choice. Each type of material can help reinforce certain information. When used in conjunction with the lesson plan, they can be very effective. For example, the teacher can use authentic and non-authentic materials. Authentic materials include brochures, TV guides, newspapers, and magazines. Using authentic materials can make the class excited and interested to be using something that native speakers use. However, authentic materials can sometimes contain words that the class in unfamiliar with, and may not be as user friendly. Non-authentic materials are created for the lesson specifically. These are primarily teacher-created worksheets and gap fill exercises. Even though they are not as "real," non-authentic materials are good for exercising what the class has been specifically working on. It is beneficial to utilize both types of materials in class, in the appropriate context. The last learning technique I will mention involves your own demeanor. As mentioned before, having good rapport between the teacher and the student body is absolutely crucial. If the class is not comfortable, they will be less willing to speak in class and less receptive to the material. As the teacher, you must always carry yourself with optimism and positivity. Even if the class makes a mistake, one must know that mistakes are part of learning and to correct the students when necessary. I like the phase "A good teacher will make a bad class good, and a bad teacher will make a good class bad." In conclusion, as a teacher, it's very important to be aware of these different learning techniques. Doing the same thing everyday will make the class dull and uninspired, so it's crucial to get a handle on when to use the different techniques to create a positive learning environment.