Teach English in Wenshui Zhen - Linyi Shi

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Grammar is language. We can never imagine a language exist without having its particular structure and grammar. So why does grammar have such importance? What is grammar at the first place? And how to can we teach and convey it to the minds of learners? Grammar is the order and system of language that consists in logical structural meanings formed in words sentences. Grammar is important because it is the door that can be opened to know a language, in other words, to understand a language, we have to understand its correct grammar and without it people are not able to communicate. When it concerns teaching of ģrammar, the tutor conducts various patterns and forms and structural types of the language being taught. He/she exposes that either in a raw piece or given as means that the learners will either be given instructions on how to use grammar in a correct manner or they will be left to notice tge grammatical structures tgemselves. The mostly so-called methods in teaching grammar are the deductivè and the inductive approach . We say that the deductive approach aims at teaching grammar in a direct way,that is the learner is exposed to the intrinsic grammatical structure that encompasses the topic. He she might be given plenty forms /rules and after knowing they digested that , they will undergo practice in which examples of the structure are showed in real context. This whole process achieves an ultimate language efficiancy that can be developed more over time.The inductive way totally contŕadicts the former one as it emphasizes teaching grammar in an indirect way. This means the teacher would give manyexamples or texts that surely are related to the topic without a single hint to the structure, then having the students extract the intended rule or rules. Undoubtedly, each methodology has its advantqges and disadvantages. We would say that the deductive approach is more teacher orientated wbich may be regarded negative when it comes to achieving fluency goals but at the same time ,it is a good method for producing correct language. In contrast, the inductive way is an effective way for teaching language in context as the teacher provides the students with many examples showing how concepts and forms are utilized. One of its disadvantages is that it might be less useful with weak students because most of the times they will understand the context and the meaning but unable to understand the structure. We have to highlight that both of the methods are classified as implicit methodologies to learn grammar. That is to say a way whereby learners pick up language consciously. Another approach to teach grammar is the 'focus on forms' . It is a traditional method that has been used for a long time in ESL classes. The teacher who adopts this method follows a certain forms of language formation organized within the course book and set up by a particular syllabus. The teacher primarily focus on teaching the students various grammatical rules and do some controlled practice afterwards. We have to state that when there is such focus on the structure, students may tend to have problems with producing language; to further explanation, they will think of the correct grammatical rule to use before going on to produce or speak the language. This will result in a bad production of language and inconfidence to speak the language. If the aim of the course is to have the students acquire communicative skills of language,this method would be less sufficient. Conversely, 'focus on form' approach , emphasizes that students' attention should be catered by using linguistic categories but in the context and situation so that more communicative skills are fulfilled. There are also approaches that look forward to achieving a learning of grammar without extensive grammatical rules. The "meaning focused approach" is one of them which assesses that learning a language spontaneously a language is more effective for excellent communicative skills. That can be achieved by providing the learner with purposeful and meaningful communicative environments. There is also an old-fashioned approach for teaching grammar. Though not commonly used nowadays, grammar translation method was a very beneficial way to teach learners correct grammar of a second language by using different translation activities that are mainly based on comparison between the native and the second language. It should be mentioned that the teacher who uses this method must master both the native language and the target language.This method was extremely useful when it concerned learning the complex linguistic patterns and understanding text; nevertheless, it has been criticized because it never frees tye students of their first language and does not give attention to the receptive skills and depends a lot on memorization. Theere are variant methods and techniques to use when it concerns teaching of grammar, we never sat this method is good or that one is useless in teaching. Each has its own advantages,disadvantages, cons, pros, likes and dislikes. At last , i would say a good teacher will have to know which method or style is appropriate taking into consideration the objectives of the course, the interests and the background of his/her students.