Teach English in Xiangdi Zhen - Linyi Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Xiangdi Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Linyi Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Pronunciation is without a doubt one of the most important aspects of communication in any language. Without correct pronunciation or even emphasis on the right syllable can change the whole message you are trying to convey, and that can sometimes lead to situations that the speaker had no intention to get into in the first place. The English language from experience is very trick that way, because some words are written the same but pronounced differently, others written differently but pronounced the same way, so a lot of times it is the context that will give the listeners a clue of what word is being used. There are a couple of ways a student can learn correct pronunciation outside of the classroom, and in both of them include exposure to the language. From experience of learning English as my second language, watching sitcoms with closed captions was a big help, as the language in such shows are most often simple and with vocabulary that is used by normal people on a day to day basis. The closed captions is a good aid for whoever is learning English (or any other language) because they can hear the word and also follow along with how the word is written, and that minimizes the issue of words that don't follow the common syllabic sounds. Another good way to practice pronunciation is for them to listen to their favorite songs and following along with the lyrics. This method however, should be used with caution as sometimes singers take artistic liberties to pronounce words differently for the sake of rhyming or to fit the tempo. Having good pronunciation is especially important if the learner is living in the country that the particular language is spoken. The speaker will be able to communicate more efficiently and convey the message more clearly. That is not only is beneficial for the listener, that will be able to be more direct, but also for the speaker who will not waste time trying to decipher what he/she is trying to say. Obviously with everything involving a new language takes time, so it is important for the learner to know that making mistakes and going through this process is all part of learning and mastering the language. However, they should keep striving for good pronunciation and try to correct themselves whenever they feel like it does not sound correct. For business people good pronunciation is indispensable, as they will most likely be dealing with important people in meetings and presentations. Good pronunciation will make them sound and look more professional and also more reliable, raising the chances of success within the company. Also very important for the ones trying to get a job, and if during a selective process it comes down to two candidates, good pronunciation during the interview could be the difference between getting a job or not. As we can see pronunciation is like the essence of a language, and probably the part that takes the longest to master, but when it is mastered the pay off is great, as it improves the effectiveness of the communication exponentially. It is crucial not only for men and women in the workforce, but also for anyone living within the country where the language is spoken. All in all, good pronunciation sure is something to be achieved and to be proud of.