Teach English in Xinqiao Zhen - Linyi Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Xinqiao Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Linyi Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Why does a teacher need different teaching style? In a classrom there will be a lot of different kids. And they all have different way they receive information and take in knowledge. As a start it´s good to play games and teach them songs, this is a great way of teaching young children. As they get older the games can get more advances and they also manage to sit still for longer period of time to have lessons. Some are more creative and some learn simply by reading and listening to the teacher. I am more of a visual person and I prefer pictures while reading. For some kids they are the same as me. But how can this be possible to reach all children in a lesson you might ask? Well that can be difficult but it can be done. So a lesson is about 45 min, it can be 15 min with lesson, where the teacher use powerpoint and 15 min with reading and perhaps 15 min with task and assignments. This was just an example but there are many ways of teaching. And also the kids are more reseptive when it´s in about 10-15 min teaching periods. There are many ways to make the teaching visual like powerpoint with pictures or brining preps to the classrom is also a great thing. I know the budget at school are limited but I remember some teacher brought their own things for a lesson or two for us to see it and to use it. Of course it depends on what it is but the sky is the limit so to speak. There will also be different personalities within the class, some children will sit still the hole time while some others will need a small break. But it can easily be solved with some quick activities. I belive in giving a lots of love and lots of patient. They go through a many stages in life and we don´t know whats happening in their homes and family life. school can be a safe heaven for some of these kids, so it would be terrible if you hate your job and it shows. Kids are so sensitive even young adults, to teacher who don´t actually like kids but have this type of job. To be a good teacher takes time and experience, also some reading and just simply an interest in kids and the topics you are teaching. To be well prepared for classes, is a vital role to success. This way you can focus on the kids and their needs and also some "unexpected" things happening in the classrom. I am aware that also every teacher is different, and they have different way of teaching. This is great. We need to be our self but we need to keep in mind we are not there for us but for our kids. Different games to play with kids could be counting rocks outside, or to throw a ball around and say words starting with the letter M or what ever you choose, there are many games, it´s only your fantasy that stops you.