Teach English in Yangji Zhen - Linyi Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Yangji Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Linyi Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Imagine a classroom with students running around the room, paper airplanes and spit balls flying. All while the teacher is shouting over the class in order to get a word in. This is an extreme example, however these behaviors are possible when teachers do not create and follow through with a classroom management plan. Classroom management is important to set up so students have clear expectations and rules to follow in order to be part of a successful learning environment. It’s important to set expectations on day one. From the start the students should be involved in setting up classroom rules to be a part of classroom management. In my classroom I take input from my students when I set up my classroom rules. The rules my students and I came up with together are: respect everyone and everything, raise a calm hand, use kind words, and always try your best. After that, teachers need to come up with a set list of consequences for students. For example: first offense would be a warning, second offense could be something similar to missing recess, and a third offense of the same behavior could be a letter home or to call home. It is extremely important to be consistent, from the start of the school year, when implementing classroom management. Teacher must be fair but stay accountable to the rules they have set up. Without classroom management students will have no structure in the classroom and teachers will have a difficult time handling misbehaving students. There are many different types of effective classroom management styles, however, there are some key points in each type of management that should be included. Such as, modeling expected behavior, posting rules and consequence of behaviors in the classroom, having one-to-one conversations away from the whole class when delivering consequences, praise students for expected behavior, and the use of nonverbal communication when managing behaviors. Another really important item in effective classroom management is to contact parents for positive behaviors that are spotted in the classroom. This allows students to feel pride in their positive behaviors and will, ideally encourage others to to act the same. Furthermore, behaviors can become extreme even with successful behavior management plans. In this case, teachers need to track behaviors using the ABC method to determine why a certain student is misbehaving. Every behavior has a purpose whether it is to get teachers attention or even other students attention, there is always a purpose. After collecting the data teachers should consult their Special Education teacher or social worker in their school to determine a plan of action to address the students negative behavior. In conclusion, an effective and consistent management plan is key to having a successful learning environment for students to feel safe to take learning risks. Teachers must be consistent and fair in order to successfully implement a whole class behavior plan. Lastly, when students and teacher can work together to create a classroom management plan students are more likely to take ownership and follow the set classroom rules.