Teach English in Yedian Zhen - Linyi Shi

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Over 10 million children in elementary schools across China have dyslexia, researchers have found, and they do not get timely support because their troubles are ignored or misunderstood. What is Dyslexia? Children with dyslexia have problems recognizing and understanding words, despite having normal or above-normal levels of intelligence. Some have difficulty coordinating their movements or suffer from poor motor skills. Therefore, some youngsters might struggle to hold a pen or pencil for too long and have sloppy handwriting. Dyslexia is a type of learning disability associated with problems with the brain's language processing areas, research shows, and can be caused by both genetic and environmental factors. The incident rate and the consequence among chinese students A 2014 study by the Institute of Psychology under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) found that about one in 10 students aged 6 to 12 in the country are struggling with the condition, and that parents and teachers frequently fail to spot it. Conventional teaching methods that put a priority on reading, writing and memorizing things are not suitable for dyslexic children. The CASS study in 2014 showed that dyslexic youngsters are more likely to get low grades on written tests than other students. They are also more prone to emotional or physiological problems, such as depression, because condition also affects their ability to communicate and make friends. Proper teaching techniques and tools? Dyslexia is not a conventional disease that can be cured with drugs alone. It is a lifelong condition that requires specific types of intervention and care. The youngsters' reading and writing skills can be improved through proper teaching techniques and tools. 1.What kind of learning method is more suitable for children with dyslexia? By hands-on games, remembering according to images, and learning with music is more effective.Because children with dyslexia usually have strong hearing ability and picture memory ability. 2.They usually like to play games very much, and they are still playing very well. So the game will be one of the most effective rewards. 3.It is difficult for children with dyslexia to remember the order of the words. Therefore, once the child shows relevant characteristics, it is necessary to begin conscious training in sequential logic. When is the best intervention time? Experts believe the best time to intervene is before age 12. Difficulties with learning to identify letters and read can be overcome through special training. Many children miss this window of opportunity to get treated because teachers and parents are unaware of the condition. If the problem is identified in the first two years of elementary school, almost 90 percent of the reading and writing problems can be resolved with proper intervention. The success rate drops to under 40 percent if families wait until the children are in fifth to sixth grade. Most dyslexic children who come to her center are already in the final years of elementary school, Schools in the country have not attached enough importance to research into learning disabilities and lack an effective support system to help students cope. Policy support that may be implemented in the future The country has only a few special training institutions for dyslexic children and no official textbooks for the reading difficulties of this group in mind. Officials should draft policies in support of special education services in schools. Some experts say central and local governments on the mainland should adopt the system used in Hong Kong, which has a well-established network of specialists, charities and government departments to support children with special education needs.