Teach English in Zhubao Zhen - Linyi Shi

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The age old question, British English vs the slang of the yanks. As far as the English language goes it's a bastard of a language that has more variances that one would expect of an allegedly unified tongue. Addressing the main super powers of American vs The Queen, long may she reign. Which side is more popular and which is most correct as it affects pronunciation and spelling. British English was established around the 7th century, the Germanic language of the Anglo-Saxons which became dominant in Britain, replacing the languages of Roman Britain (43–409 CE): Common Brittonic, a Celtic language, and Latin, brought to Britain by the Roman occupation. As time and the language developed certain nuances would redefine the everyday colloquial terms, effectively what we know today as slang. However, the slang was often the lower pedigree of the masses while order and formality reigned supreme thanks to the crown. As such with growth of the British Empire back in her prime, even newly annexed territories would learn the proper British English that over time would be eroded once language diffusion was at its prime. I digress, British English thanks to the crown kept its standard for the most part. Fast forward to the period when the rebel colonies located in what in now America entered into secessionist activities. After a long and bloody war, the rebel scum had their claim to their own land and way of life if not a more inferior one. In my opinion American English was the English the rabble rousers and lower pedigree individuals spoke which over time added a little bit of polish so that it would not seem so crude. However, it does hold any standard other than what it had inherited from mother England herself and thereby starts lower on totem pole. When it comes to what interpretation of English is most popular, one would think that American English is the clear winner due to the share fact of numbers. America thanks to its Military Industrial Complex and soft phalanx known as Hollywood has been able to spread their influence around the world at a rapid rate akin to that of a bacterial infection. However, when it comes to accuracy, pronunciation and spelling ability of words British English nails all targets hands down. “Schedule”, my favOUrite word to use when it comes to spelling and pronunciation; with American English based on pronunciation it is spelled ‘sk-e-dule’ and often a typical error made my non-native speaker and native speakers alike. Looking at the word, ‘color’ vs ‘colour’. In the American style, the second ‘o’ in color could be replaced by ‘u’ to non-native speaker and cause issues. Whereas the British English purposefully and tactically made the second ‘o‘ sound into an ‘ou’ and accentuates it on pronunciation thereby indubitably aiding in the spelling of the word. These are the minor nuances British English embedded into its structure where as American English is a hack job of the original. However, even after all that, British English is not infallible, for we have sins like through vs threw and flower vs flour. If there was pure variant of English that kept to its rules, I would say that Gaelic is the purest. Alas it is not seen as English even though so much English is derived from it. To summarize, American English is the most popular English around the world due to its globalization tactics. However British English is more accurate when it comes to spelling and pronunciation of words and is blessed by the crown.