Teach English in Ziqiu Zhen - Linyi Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Ziqiu Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Linyi Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

WHY IS MOTIVATION IMPORTANT IN THE CLASSROOM? Before proceeding to the exact topic first we should be aware of the term motivation. That is what does motivation mean? “Motivation is a very powerful emotion that can push students to try harder or go a little further to complete something.” Motivation is the burning factor which motivates students both externally and internally. So it is a very important factor in the classroom because an increase in motivation can lead to increase in productivity. Motivation is the component through which a teacher can change the behavior and leads the students to success. Motivation activates, maintains and guides the students towards success. It is an interior state or condition that serves to activate or energize behavior and provides it direction. Through motivation incentives or reward value of the goal could be achieved. Through motivation, an educator can guide the students to take the right decision for their career. Motivation leads to an increase in effort and energy. It increases the amount of effort and energy that learners expend in activities directly related to their needs and goals. It is the driving force which helps the pupils to achieve their goal and task. Motivation is important because it is what causes students to actively look for resources to guarantee their success. While some motivation requires conscious efforts like incentive or reward value of goals and some requires unconscious efforts like expectations of the individual. There are two classifications of Motivation First one is Intrinsic and second one is Extrinsic. Both types are important in the classroom to keep the classroom environment motivated. Intrinsic is that kind of drive in which someone feels when they enjoy doing something. For example, a student who masters a subject purely because they are interested and passionate about the subject. Extrinsic motivation refers to the external influence that motivates the students to do something. For example, rewards, fear of punishment, good grades or praise. It directly relates to the educator. An example of the extrinsically motivated student is a student who is constantly trying hard to be good in class and do well in all subjects to get a star next to their name to receive an award later. In a classroom factor of motivation plays an important role if the motivation doesn’t happen effective learning would not happen. So to make learning effective it’s important to motivate each and every factor of classroom motivated. Motivation would be effective if attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction are included in it. Motivation has many effects on the student’s learning and behavior. First motivation leads to behavior towards particular goals. Motivation increases student’s time on their task or goal. It is an important factor which affects their learning and achievements. Motivation enhances cognitive processing. It is better to have students who are intrinsically motivated because it means they will be more active in their studies. But the reality is opposite to it most of the students are just motivated extrinsically by the fear of punishment or grades. So, for effective learning in the classroom motivation plays an important role. But it is useless trying to motivate your students if you are not motivated. So it is important to always bring a positive attitude and enthusiasm into the classroom, keeping in mind that you are doing it not only for your students or classroom but for a coming generation who has to lead the next one. It would result in effective learning, positive attitude and behavior, high results, and above all inner satisfaction of your own self. These all are the points “Why Motivation Is Important In the classroom”.