Teach English in Ningxiang Zhen - Luliang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Ningxiang Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Luliang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Ecuador is a little country located in south America. Its growing population is about sixteen million of people. Its official language is Spanish and less than a half of population speaks English due to a lack of teachers and knowledge about English teaching methods. In addition, public schools are not forced to teach English during the first seven years of class and particular classes are to expensive for most of Ecuadorian people. However, government needs to take actions on its own hands by encourage new generations to study English in order to open a door of opportunities to the country. In Ecuador it is common to listen to adult people from 30 to 40 years old say that they just reviewed “verb to be” during their high school period. However, they seem to be concerned about learning English so that they can get better places in their jobs or continue their studies in other countries. Since 2016 Ecuadorian government had changed the education syllabus so children can study English the first seven years of school, but they don’t have the necessary approach to English since there are not enough teachers. While public schools’ students have three hours of English per week, private schools have two hours daily. The education department says that Ecuador have a deficit of 1006 teachers consequently the English level is still low. Speaking English nowadays means a bunch of opportunities. As consequence of globalization multinational enterprises presence have being increased a 25 percent around the world and 70 percent of those enterprises ensure that English skills are necessary for business. According to EF (education fist) European and Asian people dominate a moderate English so traveling in Europe and Asia wouldn’t be a problem for English speakers because they are able to communicate simple tasks and maintain a conversation with people in general. On the other hand, south America has a low English level and Unfortunately, Ecuador is one of the five countries with lowest English knowledge in the region. Adult learners have a good determination, but it is more comfortable for them taking classes with a particular teacher than studying in an English course because they could practice more. Furthermore, they could focus just on their needs. Also, particular teachers are more likely to prompt a student since they have a deeper approach to his or her student. While Ecuadorian government tries to go over its deficit of teachers, public schools must apply new teaching methods to track the attention of children and encourage them to understand English by repetition, mine and games. In addition, if there is a lack of teachers, Ecuadorian government could apply new technologies focused on teaching English for example educational web sites with English exercises like word search or crossword. Another good way to reach on young people is trough TV and radio so English teachers should take advantage of the influence that nowadays English has on pop culture and new generations. Even though the way is tough learning English in Ecuador in these days is more accessible than ten years ago. As a result, it’s just a matter of time that the English level in Ecuador increases. References: (Extra, 2018) (Heredia, 2017) (Kaisa, 2018) (Puente, 2016)